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Everything posted by JJape

  1. I would like to get back with my Chaos Dwarves after one season break. Last time I was in Chamionship Coach name (ingame): JJape Team name: Hatricola Race: Chaos Dwarft
  2. Reading team blogs, matchday-fluff (especially this season) and competition intros, I know there is one thing everyone in OCC unanimously loves - dwarves! And here is a legendary one - with such original skills as one would expect . I present to you - Mörkö-Juna (the Boogie-Train) With apt amount of matches to reach the legend status, he has spent most of his time piling-on away. Despite numerous bootings, he has escaped unharmed - unlike rest of his team. Somewhere he picked two touchdowns, probably after catching bouncing ball after blitz.
  3. Nice match read. I think you played well, and were close to draw, as I positioned somewhat poorly on T14 - I definetely was out of position, despite having clear player advantage. But the dodges worked out for me.
  4. It´s rare to get valuable players down in a position, where you can spare some elves to assist the foul. Next round the play is most probably somewhere else. And during time of this match, I still had deep bench. But anyway, always nice to read match reports. I will keep following this.
  5. Well, there is still less claw in 1A than in previous season 2C. Good thing I have zombies in stock.
  6. No problem, I understand that in a league big as this, making just one expection can lead into unexpected consequences in the future. Better to have this spot filled by someone with team that can continue (Kayeka), if possible Now that I have more or less achieved what I wanted with the team (get to Championship, and get a Legend), I will probably stop with my Chdworves after this season. Getting the legend already in last match of last season was a bit surpise (got MVP in addition to standard casualty-spps:s). Nevertheless, I intend to play for the Title with all I have this season (got unexpectedly close last season). And maybe it will be even better to not have too many other teams to distract myself. Too bad Zons are not in BB2, I have wished to try them for a long time.
  7. Out of curiosity: is it an absolute rule with no exceptions, that the replacement team cannot continue in the league in the future seasons? For a completely hypotethical example: let`s say a coach would bring amazon team here, and would find that the team more enjoyable than their current team, and would want to continue with the new team instead of bearded midg their current team in the future. Would it be possible to continue with the amazon team in season 35 (old team naturally not to be seen in OCC again)?
  8. Wait, I am the only chdworf coach in the whole league? And Amazons are that popular? Funny, really, because I have been thinking to reroll to amazons for a few seasons already. I will probably do that after this season (or move to BB2), but first I will try to do something about the rat-infestation that plagues the championshop
  9. Hello, I think I have accidentally uploaded MD6-match (in 1A) twice. Is there a way to remove upload? Reason behind this: My opponent in MD6 (Everblue) contacted me, and said upload from our match is missing. I checked, and we both had one match missing, so I thought "guess I forgot to upload, better do it now". But after uploading, noticed there actually was previous upload, and realized my missing match is due to one game being admin-win (might be the same case with Everblue). Sorry about the trouble, next time I will check my uploads before (I had really forgotten I had done this before, it was really late when our match ended, and I was tired).
  10. Last season in Championship vs. Smoked`s Decayed Renegades, one of his extra strong Nurgle Warriors managed 3xskulls -> RR -> 3xskulls. First time I see that. Too bad most of my important players were already depitched at that point, and I could not really capitalize on that.
  11. I happened to try this reset password function - did not work. After pondering some minutes and making some guesses, managed to get hit my previous password, so the password reset is actually not necessary anymore.
  12. After getting hobbo (and losing him) and cdworf to superstars, Entropy Stomp get their first Superstar-bull. Though not the main blitzer for the team anymore (lacking clawpomb), a critical player nonetheless, adding much needed speed to the team. Guard was the latest skill choice, giving the team a much needed mobile assist against stronger bash. Attis leveled to superstar by sacking the nurgle ball carrier and killing him in the team`s first championship match. The pestigor regened, unfortunately, and Attis thus still has a disappointing zero kills during his career. In fact, despite being the second most experienced player in team, he holds the lead only in only statistic - passing yards, by a massive 14 passing yards gained
  13. I am in with Dark Elves still considering what team to take. JJape also in BB2.
  14. Not really given thought for legend skill yet - getting +STR, +MA or double for Jump Up would be nice, but otherwise I probably will take guard - finally. I have found the horns very useful - other bash teams generally have higher strength and enough guard to make getting 2D blitzes difficult, even with guard of my own. Against other (claw) bash, I tend to be quite cautios with this player - using either the roadblock chorfs to screen him if he is up or limit fouling assists if he is prone. Not possible always of course, with MA4. But a very important player for the Entropy Stomp, being one of the two remaining clawed chorfs on the team, whose job is simple - remove other players to keep getting outbashed by higher strength teams.
  15. Presenting the second* superstar of the Entropy Stomp: Wagrhggrunghd Ferrite. A truly original player, with truly original skill choices * teams first superstar was Reiska, hobgoblin (+AG, +MA, SH, Block, KOR), but he was killed almost immeaditely after reaching superstardom, before I realized there is this kind of section. Such is the life of hobgoblins, even the exceptional ones.
  16. Thanks Meebee, very nice, and on a such short notice - I can´t even understand how it is possible to create that kind of artwork in such a short time. I like this better than the vague originial idea - more simple and elegant, thanks.
  17. Hello talented people! Some kind gents made me aware (as in smack talking about lacking sigs) that there are people that can create sigs here. I have absolutely no artistic talent and very little creativity, as shown by my chaos dwarf roster, so I have nothing else in mind that the sig should include the team name Entropy Stomp and the theme should match the name. For those who have not taken a course in thermodynamics (lucky you), the simple meaning for entropy is disorder or gradual decline to disorder. So maybe the sig should start on the left as ordered and nice looking, and then proceeding towards right, turn into chaotic, disordered... something. As for the stomp - well that should be more obvious, either some hobgoblin booting or bull centaur (hooves) stomping over stuff (elves or something).
  18. Hmm, Hobnail`s Hobgoblins finished first in tier 4, while my Cdworves finished only 5th. Maybe I should sack all my dwarves and bulls In a serious note, I should watch some of your matches, as I have been actually rerolling into either amazons or hobgoblin team in some of the leagues I play (not necessarily OCC). I will propably wait till they are available in BB2, though.
  19. Katos, täällä on tällane hulvaton keskustelulanka . Sääli, että en huomannu tätä ennen Ropeconia, olin kuiteski siellä pyörimässä, ja mielellää oisin myös tutustunu Blood Bowliin myös tabletop-muodossa. Sitä on kuulemma joskus hamassa historiassa harrastettu ORC:lla (Otaniemen Roolipeli Clubi), jossa tulee ite pyörittyä, mutta ei viime aikoina oo pelattu. Pakko myös mainita, että OCC:n lisäks NewOghamissa on myös aikamoinen suomipopulaatio: prosentuaalisesti jopa isompi.
  20. Better to put this here as well (in hindsight, would have been wiser to put only here, as this is the correct place): I have some problems joining OCC with my existing team (Entropy Stomp, currently at SSC1): namely, when I try to leave SSC1 league, I get the following message: (1062, "Duplicate entry `102990-1786300-1` for key `PRIMARY`") Tried googling this error, found some answers: none of them is related to blood bowl, but apparently this is some kind of database error (not really familiar with programming). Could someone tell me: a) Is there another way to move my team from SSC1 to OCC 6A or b ) What to do to avoid this error?
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