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  1. Bantha


    Haha. Prove me wrong. You do have a nice team.. your win ratio took it down but it is ok. Nurgle starting team is uphill so take it for what it is
  2. Bantha


    The History of the book. The Pre 2 B-season <Grus> “WHOW DUDE!” Both brothers stared at each other with eyes fully open and the mouth likewise. Sand looked at the book, the pages turned themself as the voice told the story. Just as it was reading the books for them. <Sand> “It’s Magic beyond everything we have seen!” <Grus> “There is some text here written” It was like a glass magnifier, tilted so the one sitting in the chair could get a closer look at the book. Grus moved around a bit to get a better view. Sand grabbed his brother's shoulder clinging on also trying to get a view, but the angel was wrong. <Sand> “What do you see?” Grus pressed the lower part of the magnifier. <Grus> “There it is” He liked his lips while adjusting the focus with small tiny movements Grus read it slowly <Grus> “S e a s o n 2, Season 2, that is it, and theeen” <Grus> “Our t e a…. n, no it¨s a M, and then bfre e tart, hmm” <Sand> “Let me see” Sand leaned over to get a better look. <Sand> “Ahh, Our teams before we start” They looked at eachother. <Grus> “What does that say?” Sand leaned over to see the back or the front actually of the cover. Touching the cover. <Sand> “OZZ Top’s journey in Orca Cola Championship” <Grus> “Ahh OCC that I heard about. Do you remember our dad used to talk about it every sunday. He always looked through the old games.” <Sand> “Yes that is true, it was the only thing we could pay on that liquid window on the wall.” Again, they looked at each other and then on the mid button, between the arrow to the left and the arrow to the right. They both reached forward and pressed the button. CLICK And the mystical voice started again. <Viccy> Shall we take them by TV rating? <Coach B> Lets do that. <Viccy> First out is then @Khuno Tridentis’s team The General broke in. <General> Sorry, but He is just the coach, it is not His team, just saying <Viccy> We know, Okey? Viccy inhaled like, Oh my god body language. <Viccy> It is Elves, called Elven Union apparently, they need to be special. Why not just Elves. <General> It’s just a contract thing, Money if that tells you anything. <Viccy> 13 players, 2 Blitzer at lvl 4 and lvl 2,double blodge, one tackle diving tackle, could be a pesky one. Viccy waited on some feedback but when none came she continued. <Viccy> One Thrower, Long bomber for sure, Geez. Two catchers Lvl 1 and Lvl 3 blodger ofc <Viccy> and 8 lino’s. one DP, two with dodge. <Coach B> They will probably get some inducements over and over. who is currently 150k beyond, and Strong Coach <Viccy> That will be 5 teams including ours. B nodded with a bit concerned look. <Viccy> Prediction #6? 3,3,3 <Coach B> Yes to little dodge, but some will face the elven deal, when they just run through whatever to set up, will they hold all the bash? Any damage? <Viccy> They have several dmg on blitzers and some linos. <Coach B> with win rate at 33% 5-7 <Viccy> Then we have @Cereal Killer with Nurgle at 1,305k <Viccy> We are looking at 1 Rotspawn with block, 4a bloaters only one with block, then 1 killer, claw, MB, pro, block, one ball handler block extra arm pro. 2 more rookies and 4 rotters where one has pro. 2 Season old. Looks a but thin. <Coach B> Hmm, well it will be tough, do we say #9 he has win rate 27%, without knowing the rest? <Viccy> Sure, then we have @Borke, doing the Underworld at 1,335k. BlockGuard Troll, Gutter Runner blodge and extra head. One Blitzer, MB Horns, tackle. One Dump off thrower, with block. Sounds trickzy. 3 clan rats one with wrestle two rookies. 5 Goblins and two with skills, a Horns and a foul appearance 2 rookie snottlings. <Coach B> Very all round hmm, can he make it Old Bork, I wonder. 7-10 I think. Win rate 38%, mm I think he will surprise some of the others. <Viccy> Then there is @DakaMan, with Orcs, at 1,355k. 4 blitzer 2 block/mb/guard, 1 going with frenzy MB tackle, last with MB. <Coach B> I just hate them.. Brrr.. <Viccy> Then the four BOB, or now rephrased as BUB, Big Un Blocker, 2 Blok MB, 1 block 1 rookie. 5 Lino 2 with block one thrower rookie. <Coach B> Always serious trouble with that Green dudes. I think for us they are trouble, vs other Orcs they then have some disadvantage. But they have the numbers also, Maan. 3-5 place? But looking at win rate %15, it might be lower, like last actually.. I’m puzzled.’ <Viccy> Cool, then we have our Old @danton at 1,370k, 2 seasons head to head, and one win each. We are looking at the 6 BO, 4 block 2 MB 2 guard 2 rookies. Trouble trouble. 1 troll sitting with Guard. 6 gobbos with various skills, we have tackle, DP, Sneaky, two surehands, one tackle/pro. <Coach B> Pretty solid team, sitting at low TV, can they endure and get on top of the other orcs? 4-6? With win rate 50% he might be higher. <Viccy> Then we go to 1,465k with @Leffe75, stepping up almost 100k. Nurgle team 2, Starting with Rotspawn, sitting with Guard and SF, perfect. 4 Bloaters, Block on all two with guard. Looking solid. 4 Pestigors, One ball handler surehand block, move+, Block MB on one, and Block and last is rookie. 4 Rotters, one DP, Sneaky, one wrestle 2 rookies. <Coach B> Super stable team, 31% win rate, will probably increase looking at the team. Still, 4-6 I'd imagine. <Viccy> Then we go to, ahh @Pidpad, he is actually at TV 1,425k Old world. win rate 47% Treeman with Guard 2 happy halfings, one with sneaky one rookie 2 blockers with Guard, thats 2 dwarfs 1 Dwarf blitzer, Guard. 1 Slayer MB 5 Lino’s, only one rookie, other are lvl 3, one lvl wrestle, pretty nice block wrestle, frenzy mix. 1 rookie thrower 1 blitzer with MB <Coach B> Low on tackle but average good.skills.Looking firm. Pretty likely to land top mid section I’d think. <Viccy> Then we have ooh, our team at 1,530k. 55% win rate, starting to look good. but can we handle all the big bashers, we are like a mix. <Coach B> Well we can and history tells me we are doing good vs the less “only” bash teams so this can be tricky. Aim on top level to go through to the champs again and I think we can do it. <Viccy> Then we go to the @Spydyr and the Liz, sitting at a TV 1,550k, win rate 56% 6 Sauruse’s All block and then a mix with Guard and MB, one tackle one MG. 5 skinks one dp, sneaky, two others lvl3 and two lvl1 1 Cameleon move 8, 1 rookie crox, sitting at 11 spp, so probably aiming for block. <Coach B> Lizards are really the threat here for all, so strong and fast. Mm, top 3 endings are pretty likely. Then he is also called TheSpydyr in the client, and "only" Spydyr in this area, interesting, was that allowed? <Viccy> Last is then @Regor, fantastic Orcs at 1,610. Rate at 55% 4 blizers MB on all Guard on all, tackle SF, really solid. 4 BUB, Block Guard and 2 Guard no block. Troll with Guard 1 Thrower with leader + movement 3 lino one with block <Coach B> Super Green! Will the inducements drop them, I think not. top 1-3 ending for sure. <Viccy> Ranking everyone on TV 1 regor Orc 2 TheSpyder Liz 3 Bantha Undead 4 Leffe75 Nurgle 5 PidPad OldWorld 6 Danton B-Orcs 7 Dakaman Orc 8 Borke Underworld 9 Cereal Kille Nurgle 10 Khuno Elven Union Rate win rankings 1 Spydyr 56& 2 Regor 55% 3 Bantha 55% 4 Pidpad 47% 5 Danton 50% 6 Borke 38% 7 Khuno 33% 8 Leffe 31% 9 Cereal 27% 10 Dakaman 15% Mixing those we get I think I will draw this ending result 1 Spyder 2 Regor 3 Bantha 4 Pidpad 5 Danton 6 Borke 7 Khuno 8 Leffe 9 Dakaman 10 Cereal There you go We have to earn it though. Good luck out there, Bock, dodge, strength and honor!
  3. Bantha


    Greetings my old friend. We are probably biding our time, until the Cyanide finally open the tombs and the Lid to the masters of the night. It will be another kind of Vampires survival, but it is all fun. To our current embroys, you have a nasty team there, I rejct all kinds of ideas to play the green scabbed race, they are for rookies. Of course powerful without a doubt. Yours are greener than most. I'm not sure I want an early game or late in the season. But when time comes, lets continue the Vamp section to fill it with new blood and fresh teams Cya
  4. Thanks dude! I with this, somehow found more inspiration myself. Thanks for the nice words
  5. Bantha


    The lost tale. The in between season “Grus! Gruuuus!” The shout was oddly muffled and it echoed in the same instance, how weird Sand thought as he climbed over the edge of a fallen closet. The room was a mess, everything was laying upside down. Like you just make everything levitate then you let it lose. I heard a wizard could do this, but it is probably just a rumor. His nose told him there was some food over there. His eyes followed the sense of his nose, over there. Hmm, under the table which of course was tilted and laying on the side. Sand jumped into a couch trying to land on the pillow, he fell off it and rolled smooth toward the table. Dust raised in the room as it was swirled up by the motion of Sand’s disturbance in the room. Nothing has moved here for a while. All the air that now moved was a new thing here. He also noticed there were no spiders, no insects. Which usually crawls around where Sand and his buddy Grus usually breaks into houses, graves, tomes, mines, there are always spiders and its likes. But here, nothing. Still no sound from Grus, what is he up to now. GRUUUS!! As a half goblin and half halfling, (is a half halfling just a ¼, we think about that later) his voice is quite, how do you say it, thin. So it was not a booming voice, but it was sharp and clear. His halfling genes took his attention to the smell again. Grus can manage, or has he found better food? That thought stopped his movement and luckily there was a sun beam that struck his eye, right where he intended to put his hand. He was on all four, after he stopped rolling from the pillow. Phew, he thought that could have been bad. Grus always called him lucky. Sand really loved his brother, not in the rainbow manner but normal. He showed the broken glass away carefully, as there are no nurses around now. The table was lifted with his legs trying to force it into another angel with his back towards the floor to get the momentum. The table was not that big but lots of things were on it. As he lifted it, the things on top fell down and now it was easy to flip it over. Ahh look at that, a basket. Sand opened the basket, in it was some berries. But they were laying in a jar, a sealed jar. He scratched the shaved side of his head. So that was not the smell he sensed earlier. But there it was, under that jar, he saw a bread, or bun, the size of his fist. He lifted it up with his right hand, feeling it. No, right weight, he squeezed it a little. Soft and moshier. How could that be? It must have been here for a while. Should have been hard like a stone. The berries inside of the jar also looked fresh. He took them and put them in his own bag. He thought he heard someone calling his name. But the sound was muffled. Maybe it was something else. There was a ladder going up to the next floor of this tower. He must be on the 5th floor now. ‘ He went through this in his head, the entrance, with the statues. Next was a kitchen floor with all the ropes. Next was all the odd doors, this was where the two brothers were separated. They were pulled to different floors, or that was what he thought happened as himself was ending up in the room below. A room of darkness. Things were messy everywhere. He climbed up and the trapdoor was already open. Stuck out his head and there was a room unlike the others. It was a library and from the other rooms you would expect the room to have been flooded with books. But it wasn't. Glass doors keep the books inside untouched by any chaos which had turned everything up and down in the other rooms. The light came from a thin but tall window, it looked like there was no glass. But it was tall, but not as tall as the room. The room was gigantic. Round of course, following the tower's structure but still so high. There were 5 large bookshelves, in between them was a long thin opening letting in some air and some light. In the ceiling there was one opening, it also looked like a trapdoor, but no ladder was connected. Also in the mid center there was a big crystal. sharped in 5 facets each was angled toward one of the bookshelves. The floor had one gigantic pentagram with one of the sharp endings connected to the opening in the wall. In the middle of the room was a. “Aaahhh” He shouted out in a thin eerie sound. He grabbed the ladder hard as he was still on it. He understood how close it was to fall down all the way. So he climbed up. Looking again on the robed skeleton crunched over something on the table. It did not move, was it dead for real then? He coughed in his fist like, trying to get his attention. “Hi” he said, “sorry can you hear me?” As nothing happened and he was already in the pentagram. He moved with his soft bare foot, silent as ever, closer and closer to the table and the odd skeleton. Sand approached his back, still nothing moved. The table was gigantic, the skeleton must have been an Ogre or something silly big. Sand could walk upright under the table without touching the table itself. But he did not, he eased him towards the skeleton, feeling a drop of sweat tingling down from his eyebrow. Under the table was a small (well actually quite large) footstool which he took and dragged out so he could use it to climb up. Standing on it, reaching up he now could see on top of the table. He was puzzled. It looked like the old sport bloodbowl, but a miniature of the real thing. There was also a book sitting in a frame, opened with the last page presented. He climbed up, the table was thick and made of stone of some sort so it looked super solid. As he sat on the right side of the table he saw three buttons coming out from the hard stone table. One with an arrow pointing to the left, then a bigger triangle with the pointing part to the right, then one more button with an arrow pointing to the right. Those were located on the right side of the table, just in front of Sand. On the left side there was a stand and it kept three books. They looked like three big volumes in black. He could not figure out the text on them. He then almost fell down as an eerie sound like a girl was stabbed in the back. Then a thin voice called out. “Is that you Sand” Sand looked around, he could see none. “Up here” he heard. He looked up and then he saw his brother waving in the trapdoor to the next floor. Instantly he raised himself up on the table and waved back. He felt really warm inside to see his best friend ever. “Hello Grus!” Sand looked around for something to help Grus to climb down. Then a rope came down, it almost touched the floor. Just missing a meter or two. The light in the room was diminishing as the sun settled outside of the tower. As Sand jumped down to see if he could drag the footstool to the rope-end he saw Grus, starting his climb downwards. “Is it safe!” He yelled to his brother. Grus did not bother to answer, climbed down with a steady pace. As he reached the end of the rope, Grus was also at the end of the rope. <Sand>“I’m so glad to see you” They both meet in a hug followed by a high five. The standard procedure saluting each other. <Grus> “What is that on the table”. Grus asked as he moved swiftly to it while looking around. <Sand> “I have no clue, I just got here, but he is dead forsure” Pointing to the skeleton in the chair. Finally there, Grus jumped up with the help of the chair and was up on the table. When Sand just figured out he forgot his footstool at the rope. But he managed to do the same, as Grus is much more agile than Sand, it took a little more effort. They were both up on the table looking down as the odd miniature of a bloodbowl court, the book, the three buttons, and the lamp. The Lamp was tall coming from the left side hanging over the miniature with its lamp or whatever it was. <Grus> “What does this do?” He asked and pressed the middle button of the three. <Sand> “Nooo, I have no clue, Dont!!” He shouted, stressed out from his impulsive brother.Reached out with his own hand to stop him, but it was too late. As Grus pressed the button, there was a clicking sound. At the same time, the Lamp started to glow, the pages of the opened book started to turn themselves backwards, the pentagram on the floor started to glow in the same dimmish blue color that the lamp has. Both brothers stared at each other, frozen on the table. The book ended up in the middle it looked like. And then it started. They were swept away in time, they listened to a voice, soft and friendly who told them a story from the past. There was a voice, “We should have stayed, I tell you that. The rules are wrong, they did things wrong, WRONG! Coach B walked alone to the training room. The General, the team's owner, had requested his presence. Another voice, rasp and odd. “We finished outside, right #6” The first voice answered in a harsh tone, “But the two other left, means we were Number FOUR!! And the TOP 4 STAYS!” <Coach B> “We survived, right! Lets Build renew, and we will be back STRONGER” <The entire team> “Yaaahaaa!” <Viccy> “Well well, you are back” She smiled, took out a whip from nowhere and snapped it. The whipping sound was sharp, everyone went silent. <Viccy> “Now listen, stop whining.” <General> “So it was part of the Plan?” General raised his eyebrows with a question mark nodded slightly towards coach B. <Billy Gibbons> “We did what we could, that start we got, WE should be happy where we ENDED” His boomy mommy voice was strong and threatening. They all looked up to him, yes literally also, and his way. Dedicated as team Captain he was also a force on the field. <Antenna> “We are getting stronger and stronger, listen to B fellas, we build up and we get even stronger in season 3, Then. <Billy Gibbons> “It is OUR TIME!” The mummy ended the skeleton's starting sentence. The General, looking at the mummy, made a gesture like, “alright”. <General> “So what do we have this time, coach?” <Viccy> “This is it, two Orcs, Black Orcs with Old Danton. <Antenna> Those AGAIN! Like the third season in a row. Viccy nodded <Viccy> “Then we have one Lizard, one Underworld, one Oldworld, Two Nurgle’s one Undead one Elves. Coach B raised his hand with a pointing finger at the ceiling. <Coach B> “Correct but the undead are really strong.” <General> “Who are they” <Coach B> “Those are US” The entire team burst out in laughter. The General slapped his forehead in a “Oh my god” expression. <Coach B> “Listen up guys and Ghouls,This will be a bashy season, so let's focus on the defense. We did it good and now we do it even better, and you two” Pointing at the two skeletons <Coach B> “You both practice those kicking skills right and got on with it, we have time and WEEE CAN DO IT” There was a big hurray and with that the preparation started for Season 2. Welcome everyone for the season 2 ride! We are undead serious.
  6. Bantha


    the Champs Game 2 The human touch So I slammed down my hand on the table, palm open so the smack when it meet the wooden structure was laud. [Coach] For the 12th time, it was not the best game, I agree, we made a mistake but hey, I do not see you coming down to yell at the ghouls when they fail a dodge right. It was still a top team, much better developed than ours and we got a point right. I spread out my arms with open hands to challenge my meaning, agree or shut up. The General made a sour mouth gesture and nodded. The body language told its tale as clearly as if he had spoken it. The guy who mentioned himself as the General is the team owner of OZZ Top, who hired me to take his team to the top. Last season it was also clear that he made a serious bet that risked the entire team if he lost, but he won. Due to the high bet, some skaven competitors hired an assassin to get rid of me. As the bet was we should win the first season giving us a chance to win OCC directly. It turned out well, but success demands more success. Starting the Season 1, with a loss and a draw was lower than he liked. Both me and my assistant coach, Viccy tried to explain the level we are at now. We are actually facing the top 3 candidates on the boards in the three first games. The liz we lost against was a hard game for our team. Already on the paper and the broadcasting crew ranked our team as the lowest valuing in the numbers of skills brought in from the seeding season. [General] But you HAD IT! It was soo close to gaining 3 points.. Baah. He took his drink in his big jar and drained it in one go. [Viccy] And you saw how hard those mummies were hitting us. jokes. did that have stones or metal in the fists. Facing that I was happy we took the lead in the first half. [General] True, there were some flaws here and there, and you faced a good coach. In the end it was that GFI for draw in the first half, it was close. [Viccy] We started the second half with more players but the mummies bashout zombies, fouled out a ghoul. But then we blocked the way, and shut it down. [Coach] But in all this, blocking path here, binding up the nasty tackle MB, wight and Guard with our Mummy, we missed his last Mummy who was now free. [Viccy] So then we saw the last ghoul with the ball slip away, and run. But we got him. [General] But he got it back. Viccy nodded with her face down. [Viccy] Yes with help, they could get the ball back and run with the ball home for a draw. General opened the windows to let some air in. [General] So, who is next? [Viccy]There is no breeze at the top. It is the dwarf next, who looks sturdy as ever. [Coach] True, three fantastic games to start with. Anything else, we need to prepare? The general took in a deep breath, looking out over the next arena. [General] I guess you should prepare, and just so you know, there are no bets this time. ‘ Later that evening both the head and assistant coach sat and talked through the tactics. [Viccy] So we just endure the blocks and outmaneuver the small legs? [Coach] No, there is more to it, but we must use our two towers to the full. Lets hope they picked up the hitting skills learned from the last undead game, and we need to be gentle with the ghouls, not too many out at one time unless we are forced too. And with that they closed the books and moved to face the rest of the team, now let's get a bit more prepared. Thanks for the game @HLiNiC
  7. Bantha


    the Champs Game 1 Directors Cut [Nipp], Yellow folkz, willcommen to Theeeee, Directoooooorz CUT of the Game 1! [Gipp] Why do you pronounzé A Hellow as a Yellow Ehh what impressionz does that make’ya! [Nipp] To put zome FUN in IT! Stupid! [Gipp], Ahha, hahaha ooh that was funny. He keeps giggling for a while, and Nipp is looking at him very suspiciously. [Nipp] It was not that funny! Poking Gipp in the belly with his finger. [Nipp] Any who, we have with u’z today the Coach of the dead team. Nipp & Gipp starts to clap their hands. [Gipp] Elló Mr B Gipp who topps his very small hat to Mr B as he enters the small room. [Coach] Hello everyone! Coach waves to the camera. Nipp’s face goes a bit blushy pink, where his overwise green color is a bit paler, like very light green. So it looks a bit mixed Green with pink spots. [Nipp] Euhm, dude, the camera is not on, I think we forgot to zay this is on the air only. Az only radio as the humiez callz it. [Gipp] On this screen we are going to watch the game again and then you might comment, right… This is why WE call IT the Director's CUT, Gipp bursts out in a huge laughter. [Coach] But it is just my comments, that is what I was told, yes? Both Nipp and Gipp looks at each other Both nodding [Coach] So it is just my comments, not my “CUT”, right.. Gipp cleans his nose with a large dirty rag. Still nodding. While Nipp’s eyebrows goes like a question mark [Nipp] Ahhh I zee your point, well, yez yez And with that he continues [Nipp] Zo welcome all to the Directorz Commentary. Ahh? Coach Nodds [Nipp] All righty then. What waz da feeling, going up vz the Nazty lizardz? [Coach] Well I always try to have a plan for teams like that, and here I almost made it. [Gipp] Yes very close, but the scoring bit failed, uhu? [Nipp] Do not zpoil it!!! Everyone doez not know.. Nipp’s voice went really thin and high. A deafening noise [Gipp] Ooh, His eyes went all big, and he closed his mouth. Turning towards Coach[Nipp] Zo how did you plan for thiz firzt game? [Coach] Well, more or less the usual vs Liz. Knowing he had tons of more skills than what we did have. It was to be a fight for sure. And top of that, they are all great coaches here, so no breeze mode. [Nipp] Yes according to the OCC analyzez you are low ranked, how do you see that? [coach] Well that is natural as my team has been fighting like hell and got nothing for free. Looking at the other undead it looks like we had quite different opponents during last season. Same numbers of games, but different teams to face. [Gipp] So you received that ball right you selected to go first. [coach] Yes I think it is always better to start. Might get something out of the first blocks, I did not but. [Gipp] Yes Alessus really think you went the wrong way here, going vs his MB tackle saurus? [Coach] Yes had a plan but that failed totally, so then I had to shift lanes. Sure I was under pressure but that is like always the case vs liz. So, true, I went for it I have seen some including myself fail to knockdown a player without any skill with 2d, and now I had both block and dodge vs nothing. But he had not so much else there. [Nipp] But the ghoul was ko’d [coach] Yes hard to calculate that would happen. If not it would be looking a bit different. And after that, I picked what I could to block the skinks, I almost got them all. [Gipp] So how did it look setting up for 2nd half, at 0-0, but liz drive. [coach] Yes, he got one back I think, and then he had the one apo fixed. Knowing this, he actually bought one more skink for this game, I think that was a good move and probably saved him this day. [Nipp] Uhu, true, but he got a very good start, bashing out here and there and shortly you were down to even numbers again. [coach] True and I do not think his Krox with dumb even once in the second half, he took all in the first. Gipp giggled in the odd way he usually giggles. Ending his giggling with a snort. [Gipp] So after his setup and his first failed pickup despite the sure hands, you rushed forward and tagged his MB/Tackle with a guard mummy, please explain. Nipp nodded and looked at Coach [Coach] Yes, if there is one thing I have learned it is to try to take advantage of what is presented. Putting the pressure up a bit. He got away, and then I might did a bad move. Once I popped the ball I should probably have just tagged the krox, but the dodge failed even without his tail, so he was free and did create a lot of trouble. [Nipp] How did you feel looking at that skink with the ball after they dropped the zombie who stole the bounce? [Coach] Yes it was so much that could have gone better, the Zombie catch was not that good as he was already moved. The Krox left open, was not good, the Pick and the cage break was good and there it was so close from tripping the skink to losing the game. [Gipp] Do you feel you lost the game right there? [Coach] No not really, lots of turns left, but the blitz dropping my mummy with 1d and then getting his two Saurses free was not helping. It was still a game but as Alessus also mentioned we have seen worse comebacks so, I had to keep trying. Then everything went silent, and then the radio was on again. Everyone was laughing. [Gipp] Ohh my that was a good one. So the next game you face the other Undead team, any thoughts. [Coach] He has the team of teams it is either him or ….. Then it was silent again. Some moments later. It was Mr B, who talked. [Coach] So I will do my best and keep cool and hope for the tide to turn. [Gipp] Nipp, what are you messing around with? Do not touch the buttons. [Nipp] Well I juzt prezzed zome here and there, nothing happened. [Gipp] Yes it did, the red broadcasting button went on and off. How much did we lose. Gosh, NIPP! [Gipp] Alright I guess that was it for now, thanks for having Mr B, and good luck now in the games to come. [Coach] Thanks that I really need. I big thanks to @Alessus broadcasting things and comments Thanks for the game @Pybot
  8. Bantha


    Championship Round1 Fluff Mode: the ancient one Game 1 Prep
  9. Bantha


    Seeding end game Story mode, the odd one
  10. Bantha


    Seeding game 8 Story, Angus joins The seeding. Chapter 1, Game 8 vs Black Orcs "The Fouling" The day came, the crowd was filled with fans for both teams, they were placed #1 and #2 in the pre-season for the “Real” OCC tour. The two goblin commentators Nipp and Gipp who was hosting the event for the first time screamed and yelled so high the mic’s hade to be replaced not just once but twice before the game even were close to be started. Nipp came from the newspaper Silly comments, which has readers al around the bit cities in the old world. While Gipp was a former player and star player from the notorious goblins team “Eat this”. The team that reached the final, but the rookie Troll misunderstood the fans when they started the motto Eat this. Which of course reflected the fouling perfection which was the big reason they even were close to reach a final. But the game was lost when Gipp was the last goblin of the team who survived the eating when the belly burst open and all 13 goblins was pouring out of his intestines, half or entirely dissolved. But Gipp was last to enter, and the regen failed so the troll died in the same eating motion and only Gipp survived the acids in the belly. He then turned his focus on music instead, ending the bowling career. There was a big sparking noise from the speakers. Bonk Bonk. Followed with a guitar sound. And it was Gipp´s voice that was heard next… “Thunder!” The entire crowd it sounded joined, “ooeooe eeeeoooeee!” And Gipp went “Thunder”, the words echoed in the arena and then he went playing the famous cords on the electric guitar. Nipp went bananas “look” he said to Gipp while the microphone was off. Do you see the fans! There is even a dwarf cheering with a goblin, for the sound of the song, haha, I have never seen that before, Awesome DUDE!” “Music unites even the races” Gipp nodded “They are both from the Down Under mines where both Goblins and Dwarfs harvest ores from different types of material. The biggest fans for ACDC comes from” Nipp nodded “No wonder it is from DownUnder“ To the sound of Thunderstuck from ACDC, both teams entered the arena. Nipps voice was almost drowned by the chanting, “The OCC TOP vs the Sunshine Boiz” When Angus Young entered it he was greeted with a huge “TUNDER” from the audience, and Nipp went wild “Woohoo he looks like he is smiling, how is that possible as a Wight!” “It looks good to be dead today” Gipp replied, and they both laughed. “Look Nipp, at the numbers of goblins I do not think they even know who to sheer on, they are crazy” Before the game started the goblins rushed into the field ref what really taken looked to be afraid. Which more or less resulted in a free bribe for each team. Gipp nodded to no one in particular, “thatz then Two for the extra bribe already received in the inducements phase for the Boiz!” “What a game it looks to be” And then, the weather changed, and it started to rain. Heavy drops came down from the sky and everyone looked after the wizard who did this, it cannot be natural! But the searching stopped as the Boiz gathered to face the ZZ Top team. “What do you think Gipp, can the undead make this one, the Boiz has the big, or small in person, fouler Styx, will he win the game for the Boiz?” Nipp elbowed Gipp in his waist. Gipp smile with evil eyes “Yes is can just be that” The LOS activity started, the ball was kicked short to right behind the Undead mummies on LOS. The entire LOS was dropped and one mummy managed to ko a black orc, “What a fist he has that monster of Billy Gibbons”. Another BOB was felled and stunned and the dropping zombie tagged the goblin, who just grinned back in a welcoming manner. The ball was secured but no one bothered, the foul came with loud noise from the crowd but it was weak and the goblin fans laughed. The Boiz blitz the ghoul, who dropped like a fly, the evil golbin was supported with the bliz and a free support from his fello clyx gobblin only managed to push away the dirty zombie. The box of defense was setup by the rest of the team and then, Styx when in with an enormous cheering from the fans, “Oooh THUNDER”! They yelled and his foot just when deep, straight through any kind of protection and the dropped ghoul was carried off. “That’s the way to do it!” Gipp was proud. Nipp went with amusement as he declared “Here comes Billy Ethridge aiming the bliz on poor Styx!” The ghoul came crashing in on Styx, but the goblin was to agile and stood the attempt to drop him. He was pushed into the arms of Billy’s dude Dan the ghoul, and Styx also stood on the legs after that one. The Both wight’s Angus and Frank rushed into the supporting block by Antenna, the blocking zombie. With that support Antenna managed to drop Styx, the armor passed but he was still there. El Loco who just failed to remove the BOB with fees foot, moved on stumbles but manage to continue to Styx for the foul. The goblin fans was teared in motion, and the foot found it’s mark this time and Styx was sent of to the injury box, the call for apothecary was never heard. “Ouch” Went Gipp with a hurt face expression. “Was that game?” Nipp wondered. “ouf course NOT you iidiot.” Gipp replied with a grim face. The Orcs came on with a pushing blitz and blocking the right side of the Undead, leaving the entire leftwing of the free without any player from either team. The goblin Ougha was far on the right side, blocking a true path to zd zone, yes the Ballkeeping ghoul has not even passed the mid line yet. But still that was the target of the blitz, and he went away wounded due to the impact from Billy Ethridge. A odd cage was created, and it was pulverized by the Orcs who pounded the ghoul Billy for revenge on Ougha, and that was followed up with a 1d Pow dropping Angus moving up to the ballkeeping Lanier, the surehanded Ghoul. Then the Troll moved up, tagging the two dudes who aimed to support. Finally clyx went on, dodges away, the thrilling sound from the audience came as the motion of foul was clear. “ooooh, THUNDER!” And the foot went through the poor ghoul, but Billy managed to stay. The Ref though, did not like this but was silenced with a coin purse. Lanier then got support and had a 1d blitz to score, and went with it, pushed away the Black Orc and dodges away from the same and settled 1-0 for the OZZ TOP team. “That’s a tight 1-0 for the undead, whoowoo and some fouling, nice game so far” Nipp mentioned in the mic. 4 turns left to equalize the Los of zombies was all knocked down, the only skilled mummy after 7 game went also down in a heap, armor broken, and short after the clyx moved on. The crowed went “ooooooh THUNDER!”, the armor could not held but the dmg was to little. Again the Ref jumped in started to pull out the red card, but a with a slippering motion a small purse was handed over nobody noticed. So game continued. Frank B the wight blitz down the clyx goblin and down he went, but all was fine. Then half of the team, surrounded the clyx dude and in came a foot. Again the crowd went “oooooh Thunfer!” and this time the aim from Rythmeen the skeleton was true and the clyx was sent out for “repair”. Again no call for any doc. And now the Boiz only had two goblins left in the game, “they have to hurry “Gipp shouted. Nipp mentioned a bit silent, “We should be neutral dude” With the Orcs left side totally abandoned the goblin with the ball and all orcs went in, they have to move up now to score in the final 3 turns of first half. The undead now found themselves 5 team players on the wrong side and moved all they could back in to the game. And finally one dodge and some rushes the blitz on the ballkeeper fell him and stunned him, freeing up the ball and tagging it. The blitz came and failed to get the ghoul down, but still freed up the space where the ball landed. Then some blocks and the goblin Keegle went in to get the ball, but Frank Beard’s long leg fell him to the ground. Undead moved all they could up to support but almost stumbles and last rr goes to one GFI. The following 1d ends up with a skull, dropping the ghoul, it was just two turns left and goblins were still on the wrong side of mid lane both prone. The Black orcs are thrilled and bashes down all that is in their way, the blitz gets the blocking ghoul down. The goblins then rushes all what they can muster but both GFI eats up the last two rr as the exhaustion is taking it toll. Both teams without RR, and the final turn starts, undead has a blitz possibility for the Goblin, but it needs two GFI. And he makes it but fails to ground the ballkeeper. But it is now only one Goblin who can score, and they are both tagged with the skeleton. Not an easy handover or pass. The black orc above them rushes in for the blitz but fails the dodge and dang, the first half ends in 1-0 to Team OZZ. Second half starts, changing the weather so now it is nice again. 9 Orcs vs 11 Undead. Orcs strikes down los zombies and pushed the mummy with the blitz. Grabs the ball and runs in the mid field. Undead Bitz down the Black orc, mmoved up threatens the goblins a bit, moves in surrounds the felled orc and “Oooooh Thunder!” the crowd feels the fouling frenzy. The skeleton again moves in penetrates the armor but nothing more. The Red card is shown the couch is shown the red card. Some semi cage it formed the Mummy on the left side is downed, then the troll went “DOH” and last back orc fails the dodge. The opening of the trolls dumbness makes it possible to reach the goblins. Ghouls down to cover some areas of slippery, and the blitz fails to down the BOB. Black orcs cleans up and injuries a zombie who regenerated. The troll then wakes up injuries the mummy who also regenerates. And suddenly it is 9 vs 8. The cage is then opened and the blitz on the ballkeeper Uggixx fells him, and the bouncing ball goes right into the hands of the blizing ghoul. Who manage to dodge away avoiding a free punch. The blitz goes in but it is not possible to get him down. Dan the ghoul is still keeping the ball. A troll moves in tags Dan and short after Masha the black orcs follows, trying to square down the ghoul. The situation looks good and bad, the remaining mummy blitzes Masha freeing up some spaces but fails and is saved with a rr. Dan can then dodge away seeking some safety behind the mummy. The urge of seriousness is clear both remaining and wight the new Angus makes the dodges and covers some protection of Dan. Billy da kicka, black orc fells the ghoul covering Dan, and moves in, also gets help from Biffa da Boffa, both tagging poor Dan. The last two goblins rushes around covering the open area to the undead left. Dan is forces to dodge and blitzes Kreegle in the move, but only opushes him, but in to Lanier. Who then blocks and injures him. The mummy pushes the troll, the only obstacle away for a clean blitz on Dan. The troll manage to floor the mummy the blitz comes but only manage to push Dan even with a rr. A 1d is tried to free up the ghoul, but skull a rr takes it to push, and the blitz comes to open up for Dan to rush down and make a 2-0 possibility, but the effort of rushing is failed the 1 rr 1 ends the attempt now opening up for an 1-1 result instead. The first block fails to drop Dan, the blitz also fails and rr does not change anything!! It is not one turn left only. Dan dodges away running down to the midzone. Lanier blitzes the last goblin, but fails to drop him but pushes him to the sideline. The only member to be able to score next round, the last turn. Last round ends with a fail GFI for reaching Dan, and the last turn for Undead are special. GG @danton Thanks for game. BR /Brother B
  11. Bantha


    The seeding. Chapter 1, Game 7 vs Chaos Renegades "The Return" The day came, could we wash away the loss, or would it affect the players? Was the Renegades totally over enraged with lust from the last spectacular win? Game started there was some hooligans in one section, they had piled up rocks in the size of a fist, and this was Ogre fists. When they show up, there is non who stalls. I actually leaned over the line that separates the coach booth. And asked txla, what are they? "Ohh you do not dare to stall, if you do, they might be lobbing a rock and they always aim for the head, no matter what team. You have been warned!" Yikes I though, alright, but the Renegades decided to receive. So they do the running I guess. And the line up was done, and I looked twise, "who is that dude?" I asked Viccy, "That's none the less the trixy Withergrasp Doubledrool, the star player", she said. That looked like trouble. The kick went and one zombie and one Lino went down as something came flying in from the crowd. The pushing started and the humans pushed the zombie, and pushed, and pushed. Up until the mad drooling "King Cleats" the Mino, who showed the way and fell the little zombie and moved back. "Gash" the dark elf, took the ball and went in safe behind the LOS, where the Ogre went dumb while the Troll game my mummy a high5. Undead followed up knocking out the speedy rat, fell the troll but it took a rr on that, moved up with a ghoul, threatening the Dark elf a bit. The mino charged fell the wight, but nothing more, now he was huffing just one step from the side line. The Orge woke and tagged the ghoul who had approched the defense line and followed up with Doubledrool. With tackle and tentacle it was a bit of trouble. Another rr was consumed same mummy tried to floor the troll, but he did not go down. There was a blitz opportunity and had to take it, the move went fine and we floored the dark elf, but nothing more and no option to get the free ball. Tried to move in the other side ghoul but he tripped and his dodge did not work, piercing the armour but stayed on the field. The troll floored the clumsy mummy, the Ogre powed the ghoul, the lino 1d powed a zombie, Doubledrrol powed the next ghoul stunning him and even the Mino just walked away fromthe side line in to the mid zone. A fantastic turn. All I could do in return, move up and floored some lino and the orc, pushed away Doubledrool. No way to get the free ball. The D-elf blocked and knocked the zombie, the mino charged down the Wight who was running behind him, stunning him. The troll fumbles and both the Mummy and the troll goes down, but when the dust settles, the mummy is carried out. We follow up with a 3d block on the Orc, and it consumes another rr, managing to shift from to to a flooring punch. The Wight charges forward, pushes the D-elf away from the ball and tagging it. No one else around to pick it up. Then the Mino charged again, on the little Wight beside the ball, push for the first one, then he tripped and an early to comes on. There is a glimpse of hope, as we are started to get under in number. The blitz to free up the Wight and a possible dodge and pickup fails as the arrow turns out to be a skull, last rr used, and then we fail the dodge. The Wight are knocked out in the process and the ball lands just befor the Delf. the mino charges but even with three dice, he does not find the pow, but the rest goes as planned, the cage is created and delf takes the ball. The undead scramble to get back, finds a blitz on the ball keeper but a skull is rolled for the 1d. Delf runs forward, covered by the Troll, then the mino rolls 1 on the blitz and shot after the Ogre rolls 2 skulls, to but with few players around we are unable to reach the Dark elf. And we also manage to fail the first block rolling both down on a zombie, the turn after it is an easy perfect 1-0 in turn 8 by the Renegades and the Dark Elf. Last round, the mummy stays out as do the rar, but the remaining ko's the Ogre on los. One pass was made but nothing more. 1-0 Second half starts The ogre and the rat is still sitting out, while the Mummy cames onboard again. Is this the change of tides? One ghoul is floored due to kick off, one Lino is ko'd by the mummy, we move up and fail to get the ball despite the sure hands. The mino roars as it was not allowed to charge, instead the Doubledrool dropps the Ghoul on the left side and blocks off right side now with 3 vs 2 players. We manage to get the ball, moving on the right side then, away from the Drooling superstar. But we do not manage to get an opening, as wished. Due to that, the mino gets back in game, drives down and with help from lino skilled with block, the right side looks messy. Undead continues, with some support they manage to get some protection sideline caged the ballhandler, and moving up a ghoul behind the line of Renegades blocking a direct path to the small cage. Boubledrool is blocked free and moves bak in the center tagging the ghoul, mino pushes the litte wight to the side line. Then on 1d block to push the mummy away, but a skull is rr'd to a new skull stopping that one instantly. Undead then runs it's ghoul to equalize 1-1- The Ogre recovers, but the rat is still out from turn 1, whow. So it is still 11 vs 11 turn 12 for @txlanhualpec team. The team is moved forward, the los is not working only dropping one out of three, the blitz by the mino works like a charm and dropps the Wight to cover the spaces the ball was not picked up, but covered with the defence wall. But there is a glitch in the wall, a ghoul finds a way and blitzes through creating an opening, scoops up the ball in the same run. There is also another ghoul Mr Billy who dodges through and covers the pigskin keeping Lanier, who also scored 1-1. The Ogre block free a lino, who runs to support the Delf, who just manage to push away the ghoul Billy. then to get support for a 2d, the lino "Three fingers" stumbles as he dodges away with a TO, not even a rr saved him from the legs of F Beard the Wight. Billy frees Lanier, who runs and eats a rr when going for it, so another is not made. Seconds after the mummy struggles with the block but manage by eating the next rr. The next mummy charges forward to open up for support for Lanier, but 2d block on the Troll finds 2 skulls and another rr just change then to bothdown. TO. There are now 2 tired teams out there, and 1d for pushing one ghoul away to get 2d on the mummy, works but the cost is a rr. Followed with the 2 d block resutling in bothdown for the freebooter. So in turn 15 the 2-1 is settled. 2 Turns left the the try is made. Even the rat is back. Undead spreads out lcovering holes so a blitz must be made to get through. One rr is gained for the Renegades as the crowd cheers them on. The Mino works again, charges forward to fails to drop the wight. Rat goes to score mode, the D-elf grabs the balls and throws it to humie lino, who catches it and runs ahead with two GFI he is now also within scoring range. But the Rat is dropped burning the last rr, and the lino with the ball is surfed the ball goes to the other empty side, and there is no more away to get one back. So it ends with the Troll walking forward and pukes on the ghoul. The ghoul is somehow un affected by it. The mino manage to revenge the Wight Fran B, but he regenerates but he still got the spp. The Mvp goes to the Dark Elf, and some stripping ball Zombie... Renegades gains 12 spp and Undead 11. Thanks @txlanhualpec and good luck now in the last round. BR /B
  12. Bantha


    Seeding chapter Pre-Game 7 The Poem Game 7 prep
  13. Bantha


    The seeding. Chapter 1, Game 6 vs The Humies "The game that went wrong." So we were pumped up, the team was ready! Finally some Humans! Not Chaos, not green Orc's, it is humans! It was Super Sunny weather, the ice cream melted like never before. There were some big umbrella setup in the audience, it was a clear marking where the Vampire fans was kept. Them and other pale skinned fellows. The Humans won the coin toss and decided to receive the ball, so we lined up. The Kick was deep in defence zone in the human area. The skilled blockers/Blitzers actually but, all small zombies was dropped like small pins in the bowling court. Even the human Ogre just walked up and punched down the otherwise firm Mummy, Billy fell to the ground and the Ogre just walked up to the waiting Wight. The Sneaky "Catcher" then sneaks in and his little toe was pressed through the Billy's armour but just tickled him. The ball was scooped up and so long, just flawless manners by all. Our turn and the dead, was raised... hoho, sorry. We were In prone at least, part from the mummy who still giggled. The Sneaky catcher caught a blitz and was dropped, but not even armour broke. The block on Mr Ogre, failed, the 1d was of course a skull, and I was terrified so rerolled it. Pushed him away. Not the best, or as good as humans but we tried. Humans went left, knocked down a zombie, blized down a ghoul, pow pow, broke armour, Ogre went Doh, "What was I supposed to do now", the Humans 1d was a pow and armour break, smakelli smack was the sound. Went up with catcher (the other not sneaky, actually rookie of the day, first match). Blocked the rout to the ball carrier. Undead hunted after covering the left, no armour break, more covering up areas awaiting the next move. Humans fell the zombie, blitz to free up the space but, on the right, Ogre came awake, the pass the catch the movies, zombies has never felt so slow before. Undead still had not broken any armour, but this turn starting with Billy the mummy, got a hit in and pang, armour was broken, inspiered the wight blitz also broke the other blitzers armour, rushing up the the runner with the ghoul trying to be some what in the way. Humans pushed away the nagging Mummy with a 1d, blitz the ghoul who played high 5 with the sneaky catcher who now had the ball. Pow Pow, on 2d, no problems there and a stunning hit it was. A classic defence on the side, One Ogre and a blitzer covering the runner. Two dodges later without any effort and it looked like an easy 1-0, if, they wanted. But I did what I could, blitz with Mummy, 2 GFI, no pow for me on the blitzer, a push it was. I added a zombie, one GFI more and made it. The other Zombie also had to push the effort, one more GFI made that one too. Phew. One last Ghoul to make it a bit more diffecult, but no, Ghouls do not dodge, so 1,1 on the dodge, and a stunning landing it was. This made it look problematic and still easy, and then the Ogre was nervous and went DOH! not even the team rr saved it. So, the ogre was lost and blitz with it. The dodge from the runner made it, but the next dodge failed, but the skill saved it, and next failed rr saved it the gfi failed but rr saved it then the last for 1-0 failed and yet another rr saved that last run, and 1-0 it was, now without any team rr left. So 1-0, but I had four turns, should be doable... right.. Game started again, and push push push, nothing went down not even 3 dice helped. So, bad omen and yes, the little zombie also won a red card from the kickoff table, how rude! Anyhow, the elves blocked and dodged away just like humans, ohh sorry, the other way around, and remember this is now without rr. So, good defence, right out of the box. Sigh. So we secured some td possibility with running the two ghouls forth and keeping the one with the ball behind the mummies.. Just, there was a gap, yes I know, but it was like, 2 GFI and 1d... But humans made it and pushed the ghoul to the wall, or side line. Then another dodge just happened and 1d did not fail so suddenly it looked not so bright. My two last 3d blitz has been not working, so I needed some knockdown to free my ghoul with the ball, but that did not work. And that was followed with some more push, 2d but, it did not help. Next round and some pushes due to dodge from the humans, and still next last round I simply could not get the humans down. Placing the ghoul to score, had to throw now, dodge managed, but 2 gfi was one to many and rr burned on the first, and he knocks himself out on that move.. Dang 1-0 after first half to the humies. So Get the Ref was rolled, darn. My next 5 blocks including with blitz and only 2 went down, I foul the Ogre who is saved by his amazing skull. Humies, blitz, downs and fouls out the poor zombie.. one down in players. Next turn I have 2 3d blocks and cannot down the dude, the blitz 2d finds another two arrows. That was 8 dice. We foul again and stunned the ogre this time. Some good defence again by @Dark Wing and two dodges made again (who needs rerolls) out from the mummies, who then blitzes and rolls only pushes. But turn 12 I got the first cas, and a stun so we managed to move up a bit with the ball. But a dodge some nice Ogre blocks and 2 GFI and a 1d block rr to a pow, and hell (ball at least) is lose again. So we managed to get the ball back, but the humies, just blocks and dodges and cannot fail. So again we are in trouble. So, back to hell, and we managed to cas one more human, but still they keep coming, dodeing but this time, actually fail to get the keeper down with 2d. But it is a scrum like no other. In the end, we gain contlrol, but have to rush, and again, GFI works and we are in trouble as we need 4+ and 3+ dodge with dodge but also, with 2 GFI, and out of RR as the crappy blocking steals them all. So, it ends with the last GFI failing, and a fantastic 1-0 win for DarkWin(g)! Very well done, I feelt like there was 15 humans on the field and 10 undead, all the time. So all kudos dude!
  14. Bantha


    Hehe, This or that is more on fluff level for fun, than real real shit. Some are of course core things, deaths, injuries, score cards, but lot is just fluff to keep it fun and interesting. Of course we greeted and talked but, the root was perhaps not exactly as described. But I know from previous games, there is a pinch of truth in chats like that, not saying this was part of it. No offence you are a good guy, just happy to see a reply, and I hope it was ok like this. BR Brother B, maybe as in Booring writing, I do not know, this is just fun for me.
  15. Bantha


    Seeding chapter Pre-Game 6 The Fluff: The Generals Bet, part 2 Game 6 Prep
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