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598 Emerging Star

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    Quebec, Canada

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  1. haaaapppy birthday!

  2. Yo Zeph, no need to send money my way, just glad to participate. I wouldn't have the time to play the game I would spend it on anyway. Feel free to donate it to support the website costs!!
  3. NSEW works too. :)
  4. If you do drinks, you can easily adapt the A-D with generic beverage recipes (e.g if they're beers, you could do pilsner, IPA, dry, etc.) these examples suck but you get the point. Find generic adjectives that can work for all the beverages chosen for the tiers.
  5. Okay, let me contribute with the complexity of my Finnish knowledge imparted by Juriel and VERY likely spelled wrong : Hova Joloa...2 months late. I'll be here if you want to continue the conversation.
  6. I for one used to be in favor of custom division names, but I've come around. Numbers represent well your spot on the ladder and are effective for such a big league. But hey, they can have nicknames I think, if only for Fluff purposes. I think the drink names suggestion is genius. Some quick suggestions based off the warhammer universe : 1. Orca cola championship T1- Bugman's Best "The Proving Grounds" T2- Bloodweiser "The Meat Grinder" T3- Castlerock T4- Orc Bitters T5- Troll Brew T6- Carcassone Special Reserve "The Cellar" (Hey, Bretonnians will eventually be something, no?) Snotling Soda - Training camp
  7. Haha, love that you resurrected this, Dreamy! Have at it!
  8. How could you forget the mighty Dalryk? We have an idea or two for the next one...
  9. /bow. Fare thee well, good sir.
  10. See, that's just mean. It didn't take me 4 months at all. ... Right? Thanks dudes.
  11. Hey guys, I'm still alive...perhaps even looking into joining for S26, but not 100% sure yet...hope you hadn't given up on the show! Thanks Pid and Juriel for being patient with me! Enjoy guys.
  12. Orca-Cola Cast lucky #13 : Back from the depths of the Underworld! Be honest...you never believed it would happen, did you? 2015 is here and the Orca-Cola Cast lives! Not only that, it brings you a wealth of information on an underdog race that's much like our release schedule in the past year : pretty chaotic! That's right, OCC Director Pidpad is here to regale us with his ton of experience with the fun-but-oh-so-unpredictable denizens of the Underworld. Listen to his tales of woe as Xander and Juriel take turns at asking him the most intricate Underworld questions they can think of! And don't worry guys, the show is not dead...at least not yet! Enjoy! If you have any comments or questions, you can send us an email over at orcacolacast@gmail.com, or simply send us a message either on Facebook (facebook.com/orcacolacast) or on Twitter (@orcacolacast). We'd love to hear from you! 0:00 Introduction 4:37 Star Player - Pidpad 14:06 Team Training - Underworld - Development 56:30 Team Training - Underworld - The Tactics! 1:50:13 Judgement - OCC Season 25 Underworld teams
  13. I gave up on waiting for mine. Thanks for killing the hype with year-long alphas, Blizz.
  14. Go derp Flings! Yay!
  15. Viola in French is the past tense of the verb to rape. So, raped. Thanks, you ugly human being you. I'm soiled.
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