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67 Cheering Fan

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    Massachusetts, USA

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  1. I am definitely not liking the BB3 interphase. It seems way clunky, and confusing. I can't even figure out how to fire a player. Can somebody help me out? Plus what are the troubles anyone else is running into and and how are you adapting?
  2. Coach name (in BB3): DakaMan Team name: Da Orcs Faction/race: Orcs
  3. Thanks to you both for the assist. Downloading now.
  4. So got a key for the BB3 beta and can't figure out where on steam to download the game. Any help?
  5. Ohhhh... The quote is "kill WITH kindness". My bad.
  6. waiting in game will be there til 22:30 before I bail.

  7. put DakaMan in with some orks
  8. I can see the player....there is a scroll bar on the side...will the 17th roster spot be removed if I fire the player?
  9. Anyone else have a team with 17 roster spots? My DakaMancersII.V in FOL now has 17 roster spots. Is this a bug anyone has seen before?
  10. I like NFL....let me play please
  11. Was hanging around in game and suddenly got booted. Now I can't connect...anyone else having this problem?
  12. If you activate a fireball and are aiming when time expires you can go a lot longer than 15 seconds...I chose a fireball and time ran out before I decided on targeting. My opponent had moved 3 players and the fireball grid was still active on my screen. I ended up fireballing empty space about half a minute into his turn.
  13. restated the computer and all is well....I did notice that there is a new patch out today....wonder if that had anything to do with it?
  14. Just tryed to log into the server and got the message that the version I am running (chaos from steam) is not supported. Is anyone else having this problem or does someone know what might be wrong? thanks DakaMan
  15. Thanks Xanderv. The sig is great, and now ya have twice the amount of pocket gold as ya had.
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