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Why not? It seems like a very fair way to sort coaches into tiers when starting from a fresh situation.


Because we can't seed the first tournament/season in a sensible way (if we could, there would be no need for a seeding tournament).

By random chance one group could consist of very good coaches and another less so.


I want to eliminate that random chance a bit by having a few steps in the tournament, say 2-3 group stages (easiest way to ensure that everyone plays the same amount of games), that should mean that even if you end up in a stupidly hard group and finish last you'd still have a shot at a decent place come the end of it all if you are good enough.


Everything about the seeding tournament is speculation at this point though, even from me. It all comes down to how many participate.

We might end up doing just what you suggested, we might end up doing something else. When the time comes we'll see (and the more suggestions given the more ideas we have to work with).

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We actually had at least one group with two OCC winners back in S1. Group 11 had me and General Kale (and Kreugen, serial top division player).

So? danton is right: random may not produce an even distribution (which appears to be what you are after) but it is fair. And a shit-load easier to manage.
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I can only second what Daton says about the Big Crunch. We did it again for the Big Crunch 2 and it worked out just fine i think...yeah maybe you do get the odd great

coach who misses out but you definitely don't get anybody undeserving. All coaches in the top tier in season 2 have probably won their division.

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The DOCC is going to have a champion for the first time in season 3. The first two seasons were used as seeders first for T1 then championship division.


For a larger sample of coaches, give it another few seasons. I think it's fair as it ensures no one wins the title without having fought their way through X seasons first. It makes the title bear weight from the first time it is won.


So start everyone out in random divisions, all at the same level/Tier (in the middle). Then promote/demote according to results. Repeat for X seasons and the cream will rise (and turds will sink). Then tack on the Champs.


Problem solved?

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The DOCC is going to have a champion for the first time in season 3. The first two seasons were used as seeders first for T1 then championship division.


For a larger sample of coaches, give it another few seasons. I think it's fair as it ensures no one wins the title without having fought their way through X seasons first. It makes the title bear weight from the first time it is won.


So start everyone out in random divisions, all at the same level/Tier (in the middle). Then promote/demote according to results. Repeat for X seasons and the cream will rise (and turds will sink). Then tack on the Champs.


Problem solved?


This is what I've been suggesting. X rounds of group play.

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Step 1: See how many participants we get.

Step 2: Decide on a method.


Not sure how many times that has to be mentioned.


Nah! Much more important:

Step 0: Discuss until everyone has his/her own opinion and is not willing to back up the least bit, then

Step 0.1: Shout


Call it 'early access' and charge money for it, then you hit the trend. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

So it's Khemri then?


Not Nurgle? Despite it saying:


'Blood Bowl 2 PC owners will receive the Norse, the Nurgle, the Undead and the Necrmantic for free, as long as they purchase the game before the races release.'


I'm struggling to catch context, are there 5 races in the pipe or is the french word for Khemri to bloody close to the french word for Nurgle?

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I'd suspect Khemri next though, since skeletons are already being made for Undead, so pimping a couple to make the Ra:s and messing about with some mummies to make tomb pappies is the easy work?

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I'd suspect Khemri next though, since skeletons are already being made for Undead, so pimping a couple to make the Ra:s and messing about with some mummies to make tomb pappies is the easy work?


Well following that logic they should have been able to release Goblins already^^ I mean Goblins as well as Trolls we have with the Orcs, only need a few secret weapons added ^^

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Well following that logic they should have been able to release Goblins already^^ I mean Goblins as well as Trolls we have with the Orcs, only need a few secret weapons added ^^

You mean "just as easily".

And indeed they should be able to bring in "soon". (All times are soon for Cyanide)

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