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How Are Your Vamp Teams Doing?


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2 hours ago, Suido said:

Vamps aren't in BB3's initial 12 team release, so there will be additional wait time to play them in OCC.

Just like the first round (OCC1).. I could not start them until week 7 i think. 


@Doomy77 what was that with no high TV any more?

Not possible to have multipel skills anymore or it is counted different? 

I have not followed it at all :wacko:

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2 hours ago, Bantha said:


@Doomy77 what was that with no high TV any more?

Not possible to have multipel skills anymore or it is counted different? 

I have not followed it at all :wacko:


The new rules have a drafting system where you have to rehire players between seasons, and levelling up is no longer random so no more stat freaks.

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8 hours ago, Suido said:

There's a whole thread of discussion here. The tabletop version has redrafting. Last info was that BB3 initial release would not have redrafting. :wacko:


Ahh, I do not read it, it´s so much that are Open, how it will be feels like it can turn 180 degree and turn out totally different.


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2 hours ago, Kjelstad said:

I thought you could keep players between seasons bit you would not be able to afford them all and they would become more expensive

Sounds like a bit of aging, just even faster.

That would be detroying the entire beauty with the game.

Well, lets see how it will land when it lands.

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4 hours ago, Kjelstad said:

I thought you could keep players between seasons bit you would not be able to afford them all and they would become more expensive

20k premium to rehire per season played. Doesn't affect their TV, the premium just disappears after the hiring process.


Budget for rehiring is 1 Mill + existing treasury + variable amount based on matches played, results, TDs and Cas. Not hard for it to be 1500.

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4 hours ago, Kjelstad said:

I thought you could keep players between seasons bit you would not be able to afford them all and they would become more expensive

20k premium to rehire per season played. Doesn't affect their TV, the premium just disappears after the hiring process.


Budget for rehiring is 1 Mill + existing treasury + variable amount based on matches played, results, TDs and Cas. Not hard for it to be 1500.

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  • 4 months later...

I think I found another bug for vamps before they fade of into obscurity.  blitzing with a prone Jump Up Vamp that rolls lust.  Then RR into lust because every turn in the second half starts with double ones.  I decide to just hit the hob that is next to me because one of my only thralls is also adjacent.  I pow the hobgoblin since he didn't have the ball but never stand up and then doesn't feed.  Finally stands up to leave the pitch.  Maybe I should have stood him up before blocking


Shitty season but there is only one person to blame for that.  I hate you @mbCARMAC.  But not as much as I hate dice and I still love you.  God damn CDs might win this thing now and it is my fault.

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On 6/8/2022 at 6:21 PM, Kjelstad said:

I think I found another bug for vamps before they fade of into obscurity.  blitzing with a prone Jump Up Vamp that rolls lust.  Then RR into lust because every turn in the second half starts with double ones.  I decide to just hit the hob that is next to me because one of my only thralls is also adjacent.  I pow the hobgoblin since he didn't have the ball but never stand up and then doesn't feed.  Finally stands up to leave the pitch.  Maybe I should have stood him up before blocking


Shitty season but there is only one person to blame for that.  I hate you @mbCARMAC.  But not as much as I hate dice and I still love you.  God damn CDs might win this thing now and it is my fault.

Remember you were supposed to finish below me! 😫

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well, last game of the season.  I had a crazy 5-1 win.. where pretty much everything worked throughout.  I think I ended up with something like 28 SPPs all on Vamps ! 


I've been waiting ages to level some of these vamps and I ended up getting to legend with two of them and another skill-up with my newest one.




Advice time on skills..


So main blitzing vamp got a normal roll.  He's currently got Blodge, MB, tackle, pro.. last skill ?? I'm currently leaning towards Stand firm although outliners could be piling on, SS or even strip ball?


My +ag vamp also got a normal roll.  He's currently got Blodge, Pro, SS, +AG.  A trickier decision I think.  So I could go with tackle (I'll have four then) or possibly strip ball for those edge cases where the opponent doesn't have sure hands.  I could instead go with sure hands as he's my main ball retriever.  hmm..


Lastly my level 2 vamp that currently has block.  He rolled an +AG!  It feels bad to ignore this, but really I wanted him to be a basic LOS blodger.  Since I have 6 vamps, I'm starting to put a few vamps on the LOS to protect my thralls more and more.


Also, a weird thing happened at the end of the game.  I rolled a six on the winnings and somehow ended up with 300k in my bank??  I think I had 100k before the match

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Probably a money bug.  I would let the overlords know and hire ten cheerleaders for the weekend.


I would also consider jump up on your MB vamp.


  You can't have too much tackle. I have an AG with the same build.


You could take ag on the last vamp and use him to pick up the ball.  Agility is too powerful for gazers. He can also catch and score while marked.  

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A couple of interesting options mentioned on @Ethelred twitch stream from @Khornight. Frenzy on the ag vamp and jugs on the MB vamp.


I especially like the frenzy option to mix it up a bit. Jugs would be good to nullify wrestle and standfirm, both of which can be risky to blitz if I have lust going on. 

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1 hour ago, Altashheth said:

@Crunky Chops jugs is definitely a good purchase on your blitzer… breaks fend too right? (I may have an obsession) 

Yes it does, although probably the least useful feature for me on this vamp. 


Yes frenzy isn't something I've considered for him before. And I probably use him in a similar way to you. I don't use him for blitzing much at all, but having that option may make people play differently. Of course jugs+frenzy on one vamp would make most sense but there are just too many skills vamps can use. I'll have a think

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