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OCC BB3 Seeding Tournament: Divisions & Explanations


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Below this post you can see the groups for the OCC BB3 Seeding Tournament. The draw of the groups was done live as a very spur of the moment thing, but Alessus was fortunately there to stream everything, so you can enjoy the chaos at your leisure:





Additional rules for the seeding phase:


Your team needs to be locked in by 27th of March  and you need to sign up ingame by the 29th of March.



League structure going forward (after the seeding tournament):


Championship: 1 winner, 3 stay, 6 relegated (random assignment to T1 A or B)


Tier 1: 3 promoted from each division. 4 stay. 3 relegated from each division where 8th and 10th go to the same (A or B) and 9th to the other.


All inbetween tiers: 3 promoted from each division. 1st and 3rd goes to the same (A or B) 2nd goes to the other. 4 stay. 3 relegated from each division where 8th and 10th go to the same (A or B) and 9th to the other.


Lowest current tier: 3 promoted from each division. 1st and 3rd goes to the same (A or B) 2nd goes to the other. 7 stay (unlikely due to re-rollers etc)

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Group A


  • :orc_new:  Bambalachacha - Evil Sun 'Eadstompaz - Orc -
  • :lizard_new:  TheSpydyr - LizOrcaMen ColaGuzzlers - Lizardman -
  • :impnob:  DeWalks - The Talabheim Throttlers - Imperial Nobility -
  • :unden:  wismerhill - Blitz n Foul OCC - Underworld Denizens -
  • :impnob:  Varrus - Merry Whinemakers - Imperial Nobility -
  • :shundead:  BallztotheWalla - Ghoul Guys - Shambling Undead -
  • :lizard_new:  Crunky Chops - Serpents Dominion - Lizardman -
  • :owa:  Pidpad - Frog Salad - Old World Alliance -
  • :blorc:  Gimlik - Orca Cola Orcs [OCC] - Black Orc -
  • :impnob:  Nitroxide - Pantaloon Privateers - Imperial Nobility -


Group B


  • :skaven_new:  Raven1840 - OCC Blood Moon Wolves - Skaven -
  • :delf_new:  Emilius - Children of Darkness - Dark Elf -
  • :welf:  Silfuin - Dead Elves ... Good Elves - Wood Elf -
  • :orc_new:  Rinjarni - Orc Fury - Orc -
  • :nurgle_new:  Worgaz - Grandfather's Favourites - Nurgle -
  • :pelf_new:  Tribble - Trampled - Elven Union -
  • :orc_new:  Leman_X_Russ - Heisemer Boyz - Orc -
  • :lizard_new:  Haugster - Scale Males - Lizardman -
  • :unden:  Nurdell - Thunder and Lightning - Underworld Denizens -
  • :nurgle_new:  Leffe75 - Worst Team Inc. - Nurgle -



Group C


  • :shundead:  Bantha - tbOZZ Top - Shambling Undead -
  • :blorc:  danton - tba - Black Orc -
  • :chaosr:  Txlanhualpec - ARKADIA RAIDERS - Chaos Renegades -
  • :human_new:  Dark Wing - Blitzburgh - Human -
  • :nurgle_new:  Cereal Killer - Festering Fantasies - Nurgle -
  • :orc_new:  DakaMan - Da Orcs - Orc -
  • :orc_new:  Baromosa - Drunk N' Disorderly - Orc -
  • :chaosch:  Stahlburg - tba - Chaos Chosen -
  • :skaven_new:  Fantus - Preston Gnaw End - Skaven -   Replaced by:chaosch:  cwctoby - Warpstone Wastps - Chaos Chosen on MD2
  • :chaosch:  mbCARMAC - Sabertooth Vagabonds - Chaos Chosen -



Group D


  • :orc_new:  Regor - Carnival of Burzum - Orc -
  • :skaven_new:  justSlime - Warpslurm Zero - Skaven - Replaced by TheCowDaddy - The Roquefort Ratters  - Skaven on MD4
  • :blorc:  Gobas - Total Mayhem - Black Orc -
  • :unden:  TheSir - Underworld Warpstoners - Underworld Denizens -
  • :unden:  Borke - Warpstone Revenants - Underworld Denizens -
  • :delf_new:  Naoo - The point of view - Dark Elf -
  • :delf_new:  Nateguy75 - The Dark and the Dandies - Dark Elf -
  • :unden:  Rymdkejsaren - Up Yours, Nuffle! - Underworld Denizens -
  • :lizard_new:  Falconmerc - Rebel Reptiles - Lizardman -
  • :chaosr:  RTSD - ChunderChugglers - Chaos Renegades -



Group E


  • :orc_new:  SidewaysKittyPickled Tink - Orc -
  • :blorc:  brocCooLi - Frog Salad - Black Orc -
  • :orc_new:  Nimrood - Blood Moon Disco - Orc -
  • :orc_new:  Filadeus - Azog's Kin - Orc -
  • :orc_new:  Luke4444 - ORCA-COLA Diet Pepsine - Orc -
  • :dwarf_new:  Wenteros - Bearded Beerchuggers - Dwarf -
  • :owa:  Galentio - Old Wrestling Alliance - Old World Alliance -
  • :blorc:  MuminSlayer - [OCC] Dirty Tactics - Black Orc -
  • :nurgle_new:  Motb - The Sillinannies - Nurgle -
  • :chaosch:  midievil - Horned Harassers - Chaos Chosen -



Group F


  • :unden:  Javelin - Warpstone Taqueria - Underworld Denizens -
  • :pelf_new:  Tallaseksut - C Plus Plush - Elven Union -
  • :skaven_new:  RobiVi - The StandRat Model - Skaven -
  • :human_new:  ikis the sisaxis - Disco Cziis - Human -
  • :skaven_new:  Khornight - OCC-Much ado about Gnawin - Skaven -
  • :lizard_new:  Pybot - Golden Hope's Legacy - Lizardman -
  • :pelf_new:  raspel - Raspel's Ainur - Elven Union -
  • :chaosr:  tubragg - Turf Marauders - Chaos Renegades -
  • :delf_new:  HLiNiC - Bunch of Gamers - Shambling Undead -
  • :welf:  Ethelred - Zero Heroes - Wood Elf -



Group G


  • :human_new:  Smiling Tom - BBC Parchelona - Human -
  • :delf_new:  tys123 - Don't Panic - Dark Elf -
  • :lizard_new:  Azimov - Lizforce - Lizardman -
  • :lizard_new:  SoapyTheBum - Birbs Aren't Real - Lizardman -
  • :welf:  Kristofer_B - Aphercotropic Arborists - Wood Elf -
  • :orc_new:  djikicigo - Akkordion Soul Crew - Orc -
  • :pelf_new:  Khuno Tridentis - Nimble Navigators - Elven Union -
  • :skaven_new:  bjj hero - Led by Donkeys - Skaven -
  • :delf_new: bob152 - Vampyres - Dark Elf -
  • :shundead:  Ratamo - Mummy Issues - Shambling Undead -


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You can find the League and Competitions ingame now.


The league is called: Orca Cola Championship


The competitions are called:


OCC Seeding Group A

OCC Seeding Group B

OCC Seeding Group C

OCC Seeding Group D

OCC Seeding Group E

OCC Seeding Group F

OCC Seeding Group G


It'd be neat if you could join rather swiftly. Admining this is new to all of us and it's a lot of figuring things out going on.

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One important thing to keep in mind when you are creating your teams and joining them up to the OCC Seeding Group ... division: In BB3, your team roster gets locked in the moment you join a competition. So if you are still thinking about making changes to your roster, you should do so before you join the competition.

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New groups/reserves will be posted here (there is a limit on emoticons per post).

Don''t mind that all the open slots are Dark Elves. It was just easiest to copy :P


Group H


  • :blorc:  SnigerDK - The Boozy Bunch - Black Orc -
  • :delf_new:  Corash - Vicious Virtuosi - Dark Elf -
  • :human_new:  Fisher_84 - Talabec Titans - Human -
  • :orc_new:  sunnydaze - Orc Lacking - Orc -
  • :shundead:  Hyperbrain - Teeth of Brass - Shambling Undead -
  • :human_new:  Averygrumpydad - Ravenwing - Human -
  • :delf_new:  Alessus - Orca Cola Champions - Dark Elf-
  • :orc_new:  Maggiot - Magg's Cru - Orc -
  • :blorc:  Kubusta - Black Orc Down! - Black Orc -
  • :orc_new:  BB_Nut - Harlequins B.B.F.C. - Orc -






  • :human_new:  SirMatiel - Paladins - Humans -
  • :chaosch:  humbe - Discord Degenerates - Chaos Chosen -
  • :chaosch:  cwctoby - Warpstone Wasps - Chaos Chosen - (Replaced Fantus in MD2 in Group C)
  • :huh:  TheCowDaddy - The Roquefort Ratters - Skaven - (Replaced justSlime in MD4 in Group D)




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