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Timeline S2 -> S3


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Decision threads and signup thread posted: October 28th
Md8 starts: October 30th
Md9 starts: November 6th
Md9 ends: November 12th (midnight UTC)
Decision threads closes:  November 14th (14:00-ish, UTC)

Signups "close": November 14th (14:00-ish UTC) [However, should there be enough extra signups before next season we will create more divisions]

Seeding stream: Monday November 18th  1700 UTC

Divisions posted: November 19th (could be earlier and ideally not later)

Signups ingame close: November 22nd (20:00 UTC) - If you are not signed in to your division by this point you risk being replaced. If you know you can't signup in time, do mention that in the decision or signup thread (the one that applies to you)
Season 3 starts: November 27th

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