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The Teal Council
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Everything posted by Bouffon

  1. Count me in. I have yet to get good at this game, but I am decent with the teams I play, so I should be able to impat some wisdom to newer players. I have no coaching experience, but I've sat in voice chat spectating many games and irritating many players by giving vague hints to the other side, like telling them to foul. Approach – Plans are useless, but planning is indispensable, to quote Eisenhower. You ask yourself what you want out of the match, develop one or two ways to achieve that and try to developed those into reality on the pitch. You take risks, but always for a reason. Teams – I play diversely enough to have some experience of everything. Stunties, nurgle and chorfs are the ones I play the least and I while I like elves they might be my weakest playstyle. Coaching method – I find it easiest to think when I am not playing myself, but it is good if the pupil can try what I say immedietely. Hence me watching them playing live and giving advice would be best, but is hard to arrange and a big no-no in a competative setting, so it is head to head matches with me taking time to think, I think.
  2. I tried it once, might've been just a very well timed rsndom crash. Happened just when I clicked the HMP gobbo adter its catch.
  3. I tried it once against AI using a custom team. Crashed the game every time I tried to hail mary after a catch.
  4. Pre-Season Nervous Breakdown Ego Trip: S15 New season in a new tier and division means many new teams trying to kill me. Today we're going to take a look at them and see me predicting 60% win chance against them at worst. First off we're looking at my team and sing its praises and go through some of my plans for it and certain individual players. After that I am going through every opposing team and tell how and why I should win them if they are my MD1 pair, followed by my somewhat more realistic take on the season as a whole will most likely go. The Vanguard Party These are my darlings and a very good team by all accounts. Their record is a solid 22-5-9 which is good for any team and by the look of them, they have a bright future ahead of themselves. As you can see, The Party has it all: blodging guards, fast AG4 and really fast AG5 pieces, wrestle fodder, killer, tanky big guy and AG4 brawler/surfer. This balance of speed, agility, strength and resilience is the true beauty of Kislev and one of the best possible team compositions one can has in Blood Bowl. Although, I must admit, getting to this level is pretty much luck and praying. Their only weak spot is that because every piece has potential of being darn good and paying a high initial cost for all that potential, they bloat like the Nurgle of your nightmares. Now, let's go through all the revolutionaries in The Party. I will handle some of the players individually, but about half of the team will be handled in chunks of similar pieces. Spectre of Communism Party's seemingly useless bear that just fails to even get an MVP. I say seemingly, because the bugger still acts as a punching bag very splendidly, and I bought it for just that purpose. Kislev players are pain to train and any permanent deaths just plain suck, so 140K + levels is a fair price to pay for a piece that can stay in the pitch and tank those hits. Going to the past, it also helped my early days a lot, when it developed guard when my blitzers were still going for blodges. Assuming it finally gains some levels, I go for the following skills: block (doubles), dodge (doubles), pro (doubles) and break tackle. The one true problem with Spectre is that if it finally levels and levels again without doubles, I am not able to realistically sack and replace it like I should. With my TV the spiraling expenses are just horrible and I don't want to throw money away unless someone dies. Vladimir Lenin Party's captain and killer...as in he kills for the Party, not the Party (that would be Stalin). He has had some rough time being both an important piece and the only blitzer without dodge, but he's still alive and close to leveling. Speaking of the hard times, I think it is mostly on me, not using him carefully enough and leaving him to be fouled far too often. I have improved on that a little during last season, but I hope I can and will improve on it even more. With two levels left to gain, and only one realistically available, I am going for dodge just to keep him alive, skipping anything but +ST to take it. Leon Trotsky Party's vice-captain and the one who usually leads the team to victory when Lenin is taking a nap with a bone snap during 2nd half. Trotsky rolled +AG after Party's first or second match ever and has been awesome forever since then. Agility gain on a blitzer is just the thing that allows next level Kislev plays, as 2+ leaping is years ahead of 3+ leaping. Aside from being my prime scorer, Trotsky has recently developed frenzy and has leaped in to do some a pretty surf or two. With only the last level to gain after 98 SPP grind, I don't think Trotsky will ever level up again, but then it is most likely a sidestep for him. Joseph Stalin & Viktor Nogin My two regular blitzers, the ones with blodge, guard and sidestep, although Stalin still lacks the last one. There is not much to say about these guys, except that they are the workhorses of the team, being there to support my linemen while staying alive with their superior ability to move it when tough guys come calling. I am not sure what to pick after the sidestep for these guys, most likely some extra mighty blows or additional tackles to complement the diving tackle. Nikolai Gorbunov & Vladimir Antonev-Ovseyen My two blodging guard catchers. Sure, the other one has +MA and the other one took nerves of steel with another doubles, but they handle pretty much the same. They pick up the ball and they run, Antonev-Ovseyen does the running a little better with his larger movemement allowance, but Gorbunov can pass the ball from tackle zone no problem, making the intercept harder in the process. It is sidestep and sure hands for both of them with levels, perhaps pass for Gorbunov if he rolls yet more double. Nikolai Glevob-Avilov The guy who's name I always write wrong couple of times and perhaps my best player. Glevob-Avilov is that amazing ag5 piece that everyone wants, but he is also ma9 after 2x+MA. Add in me having a frenzy player and I can pretty much always one turn in at least three different methods, most of them immune to the usual screens that prevent blitz from the scrimmage's backline as I can leap there. Also, 3+ intercepts if I ever need to field him outside of 1TTD. My overall policy is to keep him in waiting in the bench for those one turns, hoping that it might keep him alive for at least two additional matches. If he happens to survive to that final level, I think it is sure feet or catch for him, to make those one turners safer or easier for him. Linemen The fodder of The Party. Still, they are the fodder that is kinda hard to level up so I care about them. There is not really much to say about these guys, they go for wrestle, tackle, pro and then hope for doubles to have dodge and guard. One of them diversifies with a kick, new one taking that guys place should he die. Currently my kick one, Milyutin, has MA bust, but that is not so bad. What is worse is my niggling wrestle+tackle, Dybenko. I didn't kick him at the time because I needed that tackle, my only one at the time, but now I am more worried about my bank and spiraling expenses. Also, I've noticed that he attracts fouls and blitzes from the killers, so the niggle might actually be a positive thing that keeps my actually good players alive and well. Stadium Their stadium upgrade is still Squig Sandwich Kiosk which prevents Throw a Rock and Get the Ref kickoffs. Some people keep telling me to get the wizard stadium, but I'd rather make my opponents use their inducement money to throw fireballs at me and I can cage break with leaping guards if I want to go for a sack. My usual option, the one that prevents Riots and Pitch Invasions, isn't that good for Kislev, for a team with 4 jump ups and all leaps can actually recover from a pitch invasion. Opponents Now for the main thing, at least in my mind: the opponents for this season. Like I said before, I am going to presume I meet everyone with their current lineup against my current lineup. May repeat themselves a bit, this lack of how we exactly meet keeping summaries short and general. Themyscira Valkyries - Amazon - @RobinF Usually when I play Kislev I can't articulate my hatred of zons enough. This time I am not so sure. Kislev is usually bad against Amazons because they lack tackle, guards and get some 600K inducements against them in addition to those handicaps. This time though I have the lead in guards, my high tv includes many tackles, I have a dedicated killer piece and amazons actually lack many nastier skills because of their many +stats. Kislev just happens to be good against teams that have those higher stats naturally, namely elves, so to me it seems like these amazons actually nerf themselves with these levelups, not to mention bridging the TV gap somewhat. All that in mind, I'd say my chances to win are 60% which is like twice as high as I would normally say about amazons and their stupid brawling playstyle. Hollow Knight - Nurgle - @FeedMePlz Nurgle...Nurgle...NURGLE! Gods how I hate these guys. I have especially good reason to hate these specific guys, as they whopped my ass 3-0 during the last match of my first season in OCC, but perhaps this is my revenge match. Anyway, aside from all the clawmb guard warrios, this is not so bad team to face: lack of dirty player helps a ton, minimal tackle is nice, no PO is amazing and niggle on the two most important players is something every Nurgle team should have. All I need to do is to keep my distance, be surgical and accept that I might lose a lineman. All that in mind, I expect to win chance to be 70% with safe play. Necromaniacs USA - Necromantic - @Geiger With these old teams, and this one is the old as it gets in OCC in BB2, I should really expect those single double players, but clawmb wolf always depresses me. Lucky for me, the other killer player, wight, having ag bust and niggle cheers me up in equal measure. Still, regen is a thing babes are a thing too, so I shouldn't expect not seeing those two in the pitch all the time, ie. I should expect to get hit hard by these guys. But that is only the kill potential, as otherwise this team looks pretty weak and should be winnable. I say I will win with 60% likelyhood. Looking at that team, I should go for 70%, but I have abysmal record against Necroes. Pillars of Heaven - Dark elf - @Trunkhead This is lovely. Not only elves, something I am designed to win against, but not very good elves in my opinion,. Again, this is the same deal as with those Amazons: statups are good, especially movement and agility, but Kislev negates those somewhat. Throw the loners in and there is not even that much inducement money they can burn, a star player or two at most. I am very optimistic about this and say 80% chances of winning for me. And this is a good point to remind you that these are chances to win, not to win or draw. Tzeentch's Globetrotters - Chaos - @Nicola17 Hey, someone followed me here from 3B, how nice. What is not nice is that minotaur, that I luckily managed to evade last season due to its MNG during our match. But the minotaur aside, Globetrotters are actually pretty easy on the kill, with only one clawmb without piling on and very minimal tackle and guard. Aside from any potential star players, I should be able to run circles around them and perhaps even outbash them. So, I think I am going with 70% win chances. Could be more, but I assume cautious style with these mutation teams. Bat Losers - Vampires - @jrpeart I said I was going to talk about these teams as if I met them right now, but here I am going to concede a recovery from MNG to Count Konrad. Not that having one extra vampire with AV bust in the pitch changes much, as vampires are elves but only more sucky, bad pun totally intended, and Kislev is very good against elves. What is different in vamps vs. kislev match is that cage works for neither side: I can leap in and vamps can do the same with sensual looks into your eyes. This means more movement focused game, and one should always keep vamps moving anyhow, as they will slowly eat themselves out of the pitch. What I like is their lack of guards, allowing me to 2d those st4 bastards with my gaurd arsenal. I expect this to be funniest match during the entire season. Vamps with their whole roster available have 20% chance of winning or drawing me, that is to say I have 80% win chance. Hubris, fail me not. Elven Poetry - Nurgle - @Ozone More Nurgle...oh well, at this tier facing only two of them is good luck in itself, I guess. This one is the worse than the previous one, but still not so totally silly with the kill-skills as Nurgle might be. If I am lucky with removing their killers, easy for a team with leaping guards, I might even outbash these guys. Not that I am going for that kind of game, as careful play does it in these matchups. I go with my usual 70% chance, but this one comes with a disclaimer that my team just might start dying fast and then it is like 0% chance. Coin toss and first turns decide this more than any other match this season, I feel. Disciples of Death - Chaos- @King Kill Piling on minotaur and 5 rerolls? If anyone kills me this season, I want it to be these guys, they deserve it. Sadly, that might be hard for them, as they lack guards, half of their two tackles is niggling and that reroll amount means very little inducements even against me. The usual applies here: I will keep my distance and hit where it hurts. Yet another 70% chance, am I boring or what? Local Heroes - Dwarves - @Mr Bill Another team that goes back tot he dawn of OCC in BB2, and of course something that resilient is short and violent. Lots of guard and lots of kill potential make these guys pretty hellish if I am not just running away. Lucky for me, running away just might be competative: they are slow and I can leap and run away from them towards their own end zone. Add into this equation my one turner player and I can do 2-1 grind against them, where the grind is defending after I score on my half. Still, this is the second most horrifying team for me. One good thing for me is that they have TV bloating death roller, which is easy enough to deal with even if we play on their free bribe stadium, I just have to score quick twice! With those horrors in my mind, I can only say 60% win for myself. How sad is that? Season Overall It all comes down to luck, this is Blood Bowl after all. Deaths, a theme I like to emphasise, of course matters, and then there is the 2+ rolls failing and stuff like that, but the most important thing for my final ranking this season will be how the division is seeded. Worst scenario is matching against easy teams after the worst bash teams that actually manage to give me deaths or MNGs that prevent me from doing my thing with those easy ones. I expect I'll lose a game or 3 like that: bashed by one team and weakened against the other. Other consideration is what I want from this season. Initially I want, of course, to win and move towards winning the championship. But if that dream proves to be unfeasible by several early defeats, I will most likely downgrade into leveling my players, especially those linemen in need of doubles. If it comes to that, I'll most likely play more bashy as well, for not going up a tier most likely means staying in this division and rematching against same teams come next season, ie. crippling them in anticipation is a good thing. Lastly, my awards row, now that I have, looks a bit empty. Kislev really can't hope to win dirty git, but bounty hunting and wild scoring are both viable aims. And if things go south, well, there is the rubber helmet, right?
  5. Post-Season Pondering Let's start with the facts: I lead a blessed life this season. I somewhat loathe to bring my casualty luck up again, but before this season had started I had sacked or lost 6 or 7 players during the previous 3 seasons. That is about one permanently lost piece every 4 matches (actually closer to every 3.5 matches, if we factor in that I had some admin wins during previous seasons). This is in itself quite a good run, but when we add 9 matches of this season, some against very murder-oriented teams, it becomes simply silly. Add to this the fact that all those lost players were at most lvl 2 easily promotable catchers, and starting from this season Party was in such a good condition that I have no real fodder. And that was just my casualty luck. While Kislev is very flexible and, now you can laugh at me, perhaps the best team there is after it reaches a certain point, the main thing it has going for it is the leap. If you've stumbled upon my posts on the matter in Discord, you know that I really don't like casual leaping. In my opinion there always has to be some large and immediate reward for it, being aggressive for just being aggressive can and will work great as a method to force draws or steal wins as this season's MD9 proves, but as Tubragg's Cirkus also proves, doing it match after match kills your players. Still, when your team has multiple blodge guards and ag5, you can have that immediate and realistic reward that I want almost every turn, hence I played a bit aggressive myself, especially during the latter half of this season. And the thing is, it worked. Kislev's ability to use their leap to force those draws relies on the fact that they can leap turn after turn until they finally get those good rolls for 3+ leaps and then the sacking block, brute forcing it. While I felt safe moving my blodge guards in, for they would survive close contact with the opposing team, most of my moves rely on multiple 3+ rolls and I can't remember a single time those truly failed me. This kind of luck gave me far more opportunities to be annoying for my opponents that is statistically likely. Finally, to move away from my luck, I think my Kislev and Blood Bowl play has improved so much that I've reached a new level. I am a very intuitive coach, as in I don't really have more of a plan than a vague idea of what I want to do. This has lead to many silly mistakes throughout my career, but during this season I've realised those misplays as or even before they happened. With some impulse control I should be able to clean my play a lot. My two-pronged offensives especially got pretty impressive in my opinion, with a many potential ball movers scattered across the pitch during all moments. And on top of that, I won my division and will get my first forum badge for it. Things can't get better than this, so I can only predict things going downhill next season. Still, even halfway down this hill and I am still in tier 1 come 16th season. Now Party as it is at the end of this season and some stats: I love these guys. TDs done: 17 TDs taken: 7 Injuries inflicted: 103 Casualties inflicted: 28, 2 of them kills Injuries taken: 85 Casualties taken: 8 KOs taken: 19 And finally. By my count Vanguard Party is now in the top 3 most expensive (read: bloatiest) teams in OCC. Someone please kill those competing Nurgles, I want to be fat-happiest of them all!
  6. Post-Match Analysis: MD9 I actually did not win, that was a bit of a surprise. Even more surprising is that it was not the dice at all, those were on my side. What got me was @tubragg's playstyle, which is probably not the best for long term development of the team, as it was aggressive as hell (explains those permanent injuries on them). Still, the moments dice were with him it was mighty annoying to deal with a Kislev that just leaps a guard in and them follows to sack, no matter whether they can make it out alive or not. This and some bold runs during their drives made it 2-2 and gave me two turns to make it 3-2. Then I dropped the ball, or to be precise: gaven them the opportunity to drop the ball from my hands. Check out the start of my last drive, turn 15, I am the blue team. Good plan, explained after the image, drawn drawn as not-so-good arrows. What I should do is to break through on my right, make a cage there and run my MA8 catcher in there, pick up the ball with my MA8 AG5 catcher in the back there, stay behind my scrimmage players, wait for their turn, pass to either my first MA8 catcher or AG4 blitzer forming the part his cage, whomever is up and/or easier to free for catch, and score. Any players not working on this base their players. Very likely to succeed because ag5 and ag4 action only, 2 to 3 blocks/blitzes max, all of them with block or wrestle and I had a reroll for both turns. But this is what the pitch looks like after my turn: All I can say is that my brain must've been turned off or something. Here's a regular reminder: Kislev catchers are ST2 (hence the slightly smaller circle), and this one is standing basically in the open. I have them all based, but there is one ag4 lineman there, so it was but a single 2+ for 2d block against my blodge. Cirkör had no rerolls, but it was pow, sack and rest of their players basing the ball. Rest is history. What I will mark down for the future is how effective that team-killing playstyle was at holding back a better team. I've seen it before, but Tubragg executed it with style and dedication new to me. Something I'll most likely go for if I ever reach Championship tier. My current Team First -strategy suits the Party better before for gettings to champs, but after that it is all-or-nothing to be the winniest winner of them all.
  7. Narrative Match Report: MD9 Lenin's breath was hard to draw. Reaction should by fundamental laws of nature, that is to say before magic gets involved, be as strong as action, force and counterforce. These other Kislevites seemingly had no magic, so why Lenin felt like he had exhausted himself punching but these other circus people didn't seem to grow any more weary of it. Sure, they were fast running out of space to pile their bodies, but their resistance only intensified. It was something new; elves and rats had ran away from the Party, other teams had faced them head on, but these fellow civilized northeners were elastic. Where Party attacked, these Cirkör players scattered. Where Party defended, Cirkör players did not attack. Still, most important of all, they were succesful in what they did; ball was contantly threatened by something, even if there was nothing but pair of Cirkör's players still standing. This was something to think upon, but now work called, for final push for victory was about to start. Lenin used the bloodied and limp corpse of the player he had piled on upon as an aid to stand up, some kind of mixture of blood and bodily ooze pulped out of it as Lenin's weight shifted on it. Yes, they might be all dead soon, but this Cirkör had something going on. Lenin knew that one of his visions was coming now, dreams that turned into reality as he watched both; Party's ball would not reach the end zone, match would end in a draw. There was a longer vision too, not in length but in scope; Party would die painful death by battery as these Cirkör folks had, but they at had a cause. It was champion division, several seasons from now, and Party would burn themselves in the altar of their ideology and their corpses would be crowned. Oh yes, this aggressive style could be copied, but for a purpose.
  8. If only horns helped with break tackle when blitzing. All that cage busting...no, no, no, second thought: I would hate that.
  9. Pre-match Theorising: MD9 "I want to congratulate everyone; our Party is stronger and has been performing better than ever before. I've just checked the what you comrades have been talking about for some time now: and yes, even if lose this latch match, we will be gifted the trophy of this division. "Now now, get a hold of yourself, comrades. Hubris leads to defeat, shame and, worst of all, to dead comrades. Let's recapt what we have and what we're against. This is our roster for tonights game." "As you can see, the OCC board rates us very high and allow metric ton of inducements to anyone we'll face. They also show their capitalist colours by stealing most of our winnings and calling them spiraling expenses. "As for our opponent, they also hail from Kislev and have also worked on circus, but they lack class consciousness. Their record for the season may look bad, but they have secured wins and draws from jaws of defeat repeatedly. You can see how long the list of their various broken limbs and internal organs are, known damage too, there is most likely a liver failure or two we don't know about. "Let's start with their inducements. My personall estimate is a wizard and a bribe or apothechary or some bloodweiser babes to keep them up. Still, we shouldn't discount any star players, I've heard talk of Slibli. "Now our strategy. We all know what we are capable of, and so we know what they are capable of: never underestimate the circus training. They also play a very aggressive style from what I've heard and what their list of injuries is a testament to. Both us and them can score at our respective leisures, should be our assumption. Still, long us neither of us is scoring, there is always a risk of a cage dive and ball sack. "This in mind, Party will play aggressive game and scoring and stealing the ball whenever able. Because of our superior brawling skills, this kind of fast-paced playstyle should end up in our victory, as their team leaves the pitch faster. "So facilitate this outcome, I, as your captain, will focus on removing their brawler and his broken bones. After that my focus will be on their catchers. Don't be afraid to foul, Party has a deep bench. "One trouble for this plan is that their bear has much better training than our Specre of Communism. Spectre will most likely lose a bear fight, but bears punching each other is much more preferable than any of us getting bunched by their bear. Keep your distance from it. "Let's play for a win even if that risks defeat, our ranking allows us that luxury. But one thing, survival, comes before both win and draw."
  10. You really should. All work and no play make broccoli a dull vegetable.
  11. This. My niggler has taken many dice away from my better players and turned them all to pushes. And good show with the ranking. Every time I've tuned to your matches, you've seemed pretty dead. I really thought it was time for you to go down a tier,but I guess not.
  12. After Action Analysis: MDs 4 to 8 So, my awfully busy Christmas season made me write only narrative match reports from then until now, MD8, because, frankly, I welcome any excuse to brush up my English writing skills: the speed, vocabulary, style and so on. This along with my rule of not rewriting things a billion times, but doing fice drafts at maximum has perhaps kept the quality a bit low. Perhaps it is only in my head, I like to bash myself over everything, but still: my apologies for not predicting and then analysing matches. Then again, because every apology nowadays needs a "but", my matches were kind of boring. Properly developed Kislev, like the one I have here, is a terrible thing to play against: blodge on guard, blodge on ag4 2+ leapers, eternal threat of people leaping inside the cage, the works. Good Kislev really has 3 main weaknesses: reliance on many developed positionals, if they are out team is far weaker general bloatiness, which allows opponents to bring in wizards and bribes galore -eam being a multiplier for luck, lucky Kislev team is the most annoying thing (aside from a kill-lucky killers) that one can face if you ask me, and unlucky Kislev is just a sad bunch of people killing themselves with leaps and failed 1/9 dodges Numbers 1 and 2 really reinforce one another: Kislev team without enough of those key players is far weaker than a whole Kislev team, but still likely more expensive than their opponent. That leads to lost matches and perhaps a downward spiral. Weakness number 3 is what usually causes those matches where from spiral can continue its course towards the rock bottom. But number 3 can also mean that you can just click your good Kislev team around without thinking and win matches, go more and more yolo every match because yolo seems to work until you finally play a game where you literally watched Dirty Pair episodes in background and paid more attention to them than to the game...AND STILL WIN. That's what I did, hence my MD8 narrative report To wit: I suffered zero deaths or stat losses and only 1 MNG during this entire period and it was with my dodgeless pomber just before I met dwarves, so I'd call that a good MNG. Vanguard Party as it now is (spoiler: TV2270) and my MD9 theorising coming tomorrow.
  13. And in a surprise move, a third one in a straight row. Shortish, but with quality of these it is probably a blessing, ho-ho-ho. Also, the second to last line pretty much tells what I remember of it, and I am writing this 2 hours after the match. Anyhow, now I am fully catched up. MD8: Narrative Match Report Nogin touched his nose, it still hurt but the cold snow falling from the icy skies had numbed his senses enough that it was a good pain. Lack of a proper vindicative socialist revenge for the dwarves that had pushed him and mauled him didn't matter anymore, time for anger was over. This was a most splendid moment, for now Nogin would secure divisional trophy for the Party no matter what next match would bring; BBC Parchelona and Boys in Spandex, two rivals for that great honour, had drawed against each other and destroyed each others' chances both. "Get moving Nogin! There are only moments left!" Lenin's voice thundered across pitch, Nogin woke up from his dreams and took a step forward, making them real. Referee blowed his whistle and both teams took their positions for this last moment attempt at goblin throwing, something that Party was expert at preventing with blitzer ready to do great leaps forward to tackle anyone trying to move past them. ...and then goblins failed to even pick up the ball in the time remaining. It was sad really, Nogin remembered playing against this Underworld team at least two times previously, but he had no memories of any of those matches, not even this one. It was all blur: blur of movement as he and others dashed after the ball where ever it went and eventually won. Sad, puny little things these rats and goblinoids were, and it was a mark of a rotten world that they had to eke out a living by dying in droves playing this bloody sport.
  14. And another one immediately, how amazing. Now I am all caught up, hurray! (<-- when I was writing this, again. I really hate my past self, too optimistic for my liking.) Next the one actually meaningful post: analysing (of 4 matches) and pre match theorising. MD7: Narrative Match Report "Right", Nikolai Krylenko muttered to himself his voice all deep and serious. "I am going to find the beardy responsible and make him squeel." The pitch was empty but the signs of struggle were still all over it. A bloodstain there, severed finger here, fistfuls of dwarven beard and torn kislevite mustaches everywhere. Evidence all for those with sharp enough eyes, although occasional skull from older games hiding in the grass made piecing everything together a bit more problematic, red herrings they were called. The bloody mist hanging over the field of bowling glory didn't help much either. "Only the sharpests of minds could find out the truth we're after", Krylenko smirked, still deep and serious. "Bit pointless innit, comrade?" Vladimir Milyutin said using his normal voice. "The squeeling I mean. If we know who bashed comrade Nogin's nose in, we'd have no need to make him confess, because we would know and all that." "It is for justice. For right and wrong. For making our revenge all the sweeter!" Krylenko declared with all his might. Milyutin scratched his head, pondering. "We're going to hire and elven assassin to poison his beer, aren't we? That's extrajudicial, and it doesn't mean it is more judicial than normal judicialuty, I gather. Very opposite of justice and all that. Not to mention making him squeel would warn him that we know and that we care..." "Can't I soliloquy in peace, please!" Krylenko cried out, his cocksure and dramatic voice chancing to annoyed and high pitched. "My keen eye requires some motivation for it to work." "Keen eye, my ass", Milyutin laughed. "Comrade-captain chose us for the job because we were just loiterin around, reading Hegel instead of doing any actual agitating or anything useful. Comrade Nogin must be avenged but he got hurt in such a brawl that camera footage is but useless, ergo Nogin's broken nose will remain unrepayed but will waste an hour or two here to show a token effort." "Defeatist speak!" Krylenko declared. "But you make a good point about footage, it was useless at that point, but it can tell us of Nogin's moves before that fateful scramble for the ball began, before all things dark and dirty happened, before..." "I've already watched that footage" Milyutin interrupted his comrade, "just to check captain was right, ye know. And it would be a bit hard to get hold of it now, we're standing in an empty pitch of an empty stadium and all." Dumbfounded, Krylenko sought for words until he finally uttered words of hardboiled wisdom: "Well, ehr, well." "Nogin was with me on the right, keeping the main body of dwarves busy while Trotsky's group, your group, secured a some grass for ball to run. That was the idea at least. What really happened in there?" "...troll slayers. Two of them. Comrade Teodorovich stopped them and Trotsky and Gorbunov, carrying the ball, decided just to run away." There was a hint of disdain Krylenko's voice. "Explains why Gorbunov came running and screaming towards us quite fast. Trotsky wasn't there though, I heard he kept almost the whole team of beardies busy by his lonesome. Too bad for me and especially bad for Nogin." "How come?" Krylenko asked. "See this reddened patch of grass here?" Milyutin asked. "That's where we fought our way forward despite the odds, only to look behind after escaping with our lives but not with knuckles' sense of touch; Gorbunovhad run off, back to path cleared by Trotsky." "I didn't see it", Krylenko wondered out loud. "Perhaps because I was too busy kicking one of the troll slayers someone punched down in front of me...Trotsky perhaps, come to think of it." "That was when right side, my side, got almost cleared of dwarves: they all run to stop that." "So they didn't come to finish me off? Heh, no wonder I survived, thank dialectics!" "Yes, of course", Milyutin answered. "Anyway, that was when Nogin came back to help me take this one tough customer, Olaf Snowmane I think he is called, down. When I raised my eyes from him, I saw Gorbunov throwing the ball to Trotsky, but they fumbled it. That is where the recordings get bad." "Scramble for the ball", Krylenko winced at his own words, memory of pain getting to him. "Never nice." "Yes, I can't say to remember what really happened. Suddenly every place was full of small, armored people trying to beat me with beer mugs, and it wasn't even Saturday", Milyutin laughed at his own joke. "So, this was the spot, and all the cameras could see was general movement and dust and blood rising." "I wasn't there", Krylenko mused, "I remember the loud noise of it waking me up after I got one those beer mugs straight into my mouth. Some of the foul stuff got spilled into my mouth, dear class struggle, urgh." "Loud noise was what I saw", Milyutin said and paused. After a long and thoughtful moment of sucking his thumb, he muttered to himself some half-breathed profanity. "I knew Nogin was good in such a scrabble, he guards your back like no one else, and I...I, ehr..." "What?" Krylenko demanded. "I kicked one of the dwarves towards him, pushed him into the thick of it. Yes, see, this where he his boots dragged on the ground, trying to stop that." "And here is where they rise up from the grass", Krylenko pointed out. "At least one of them, the other one spins here, he was kicking someone. But see, it goes around a full circle; it was not a kick, his leg got grabbed and, all my treatisies, it must've been a painful hold they got on him." "Borri Thunderfist", Milyutin muttered out loud. "Eh?" "Borri Thunderfist will kill you for this", Milyutin said out loud. "I thought the dwarf was shouting that to me for pushing him against Nogin, but it must've been to Nogin for touching him, or his bear, or something, who knows." Two vanguardists stood there in silence for a minute after minute, pondering the situation they found themselves in. "So", Krylenko started forming out his thoughts finally. "We could say it was Borri Thunderfist that almost ripped comrade Nogin's leg off and broke his nose with the ground, but explaining that would also require us to tell of your little part in it." "We, ehr", Milyutin licked his lips. "We can share that good bottle of vodka I have, ehr, to celebrate the victory despite this sad thing that happened to Nogin, what a mystery it is." "Mystery for the ages", Krylenko confirmed while stomping evidence out of the grass.
  15. And penultimate (when I wrote this) one of these one-go writings to catch up. Another good-ish one-off joke ruined by making it the whole concept and executing it badly. MD6: Narrative Match Report Pavel Dybenko focused on the eyes front of him, they were just as human as any he had seen. Then he punched them, this was Blood Bowl after all. Red mist of blood blinded Dybenko for a moment, but when it faded the norseman was gone. Was this meaning of life, or at least a part of it? Dybenko had started following Lenin when it was so beautifully explained to him how winning a championship could usher in an utopia. It had all seemed so clear once upon a time, but now... ...now another norseman run towards Dybenko, who effortlessly deflected and wrestled the wildling down. It was all this constant violence that put Dybenko off, how did this hurting help people, he thought to himself with a sight of Lenin piling on a almost naked northener in his periphery vision. Comrade Gorbunov had already gotten surfed and crowds cheered and pleaded for more blood. They were the people Vanguard Party was trying to help, but were they only helping bloodlust of these sadly ignorant people? These thoughts troubling his mind, Dybenko accidentally allowed northern man carrying the ball run past him. But Dybenko was in for both a penny and a pound, whatever the pound was, and run after them soon as he realised his mistake. Catching up to the ball carrier, Dybenko dived in and managed to get his legs and arms all tangled around the surprised northener, wrestling him down. This caused the old niggling wound of his to ache. Blood Bowl was all pain and suffering. This spectacle of violence had enslaved the minds and thoughts of the masses, according to Lenin, and Dybenko couldn't argue with that logic. This bloody sport was a distraction of people's own problems, although less directly painful, much more deep and impactful, because of the sheer volume if nothing else. The northener who had formerly carried the ball tried to stand up, but Dybenko stood up as well and renewed his wrestling hold. Wildling struggling in grasp, Dybenko continued his train of thoughts. Even if winning a championship made the Party darling of the masses, one whose words would be listened to, would that be enough to justify this. Comrade Trotsky had said something about that, ends justifying the means if ends themselves were justified. But were they? Even assuming that Lenin's championship trick would work, and Party could rouse the people to throw of their chains by calling to them as their champion, what kind of freedom was there to be found? Norseman's struggle had paid off and he almost broke free of Dybenko's hold, so he vanguardist had to resort to hard measures and he bashed the norselings head in a little. Him quietted, Dybenko raised his eyes up the pitch and saw comrade Antonov-Ovseyen closing in to the end zone. This was one step closer to the Lenin's plan's fruition, but the cost was paid in blood of the many. Was that blood worth it? If such a degeneracy as a Blood Bowl lead to the revolution, could it give birth to an utopia? Society and humanity could never be free of its history, always informed by it. If working man freed himself of feodalism and industrial tyrants by the means of violent sport, what kind of legacy would that leave? What kind mistakes could born of half forgotten memories of such a revolution? What kind...hairy fist connected with Dybenko's jaw and thoughts were replaced by dancing stars. It seemed like Dybenko had missed the kick and start of the second half. Luckily the blow was not vital, and despite his bad knee, Dybenko stood up to punch the hairy fisted norseman back. Utopia would need some sort of order, social harmony. This did not promote it by any means, Dybenko thought as the bloodied norseman tried to crawl away despite all the pain and broken bones. All this blood was in Dybenko's hands...he needed something to wipe them with. As fortune had it, yhetee fell down in front of him as if ordered. Cursing the damned spot that didn't seem to want to leave his hands, Dybenko had to kick a norseling that tried to close in. Still, white fur eventually drank all the red blood. His hands fresh, Dybenko felt like a new man. From this point onward he would never harm another living being, and by his example a gentler even if yet equally firm revolution might be born...and was that some fur-clad muscleman kicking Spectre of Communism, Party's mascot bear? Filled with red-hot hatred Dybenko leaped forward murder in his mind, hurting people was wrong, but animal abuse was even worse. As he was closing in, a sharp shock on the back of his skull happened; everything went dark. When Dybenko came to, the match was already over and all that remained of it was a horrible pain, like a bretonnian living inside Dybenko's head. Captain stopped by to tell him that Vanguard Party had won, norse scored but could not hold back another properly organised revolutionary offense. That sounded right, last thing Dybenko could remember was a burning hatred, but it still felt like he had forgotten something... ...it couldn't have been anything important.
  16. Bears exist to take punches, and to Spectre's credit, he has survived all that, but he should have had that 2nd level up a season ago. Also, the client shows only blocks succeeded, but what makes Spectre stand out is that it has been either stupid or has rolled selections of skulls and both downs together. Revolution is slow indeed.
  17. They call me "Mad Captain" elsewhere, they are right about the mad, not the captain. So, no. As for the race, well, there are so many to choose from. Let's say this is my order of preference, neatly showing what categories I like best too: Kislev (Flex) Bret (Flex) Human (Flex) Helf (Flash) Delf (Flash) Chaos (Power) Necro (Power) Dorf (Smash) Khemri (Smash)
  18. That catching up needs to be done. MD5: Narrative Match Report Nikolai Glevob-Avilov stood on the sidelines, the bench. This was were his was almost every match nowadays; "secret weapon for us to unleash", captain had told him. Still, Nikolai couldn't discount the possibility that comrade vice-captain Trotsky's jealosy of Nikolai's speed and dexterity played a part in this arragement. Here only a thin wooden board kept the murderous horde that was fans away from Nikolai, while in the pitch he soared and he dashed, no one could touch him. By dialetics, even these elves that now faced the Party had nothing on Nikolai; their sneers were but a cheap veneer to hide their inadequacy. Hubris Rakarth was one of the star players that had joined these Boys in Spandex to face against the Vanguard Party, so far unbeaten this season, and by all measures Hubris was the most honest name for an elf, thought Nikolai. The other one was prince Moranion, a feudal title personified, sign of backward elven culture still laggin behind industrial and imperial humanity. Match started fast, elves kicking the ball and Nikolai's comrades kicking the elves. Comrade Antonov-Ovseyen and some escorting comrades carried the ball to the elven end zone amidst the chaos that was captain Lenin running after the prince and Rakarth, trying to show them some close quarter will of the people. Although the two stars managed to keep their wits and lives, many common elves sacrifised themselves in the altar of those they thought their betters, lumpenelves. And like any mislead common men, or elves, they took their anger on those their oppressors told to: captain Lenin left the pitch badly injuren after a frenzied and bloodlusting band of elves teared and clawed on him. Nikolai, who had laughed throughout the match, heard his laughter die and high pitched sneers of elves pierce his heart and soul. Panicked by the loss of their captain, Antonov-Ovseyen scored too fast, and Nikolai was left to watch how elves had one half of a half to return the favor. Trotsky, now in charge, deployd Party up and front, elves suffering from terrible losses while Party still could sat Nikolai in the bench. This seemed to fail at first, as an elf got to run past Party's defences, but that opening forced prince Moranion to step a step too close to Trotsky, who at once jumped at the prince, smashing his collar bone most violently. Still, the elf past Party's frontline got the ball ran at him by the second one to break through and started stalling by the end zone. Trotsky, trying to push Hubris against comrade Stalin, to give him a flying start to reach the ball carrier, stepped on the still wet blood of Lenin and fell down - elves had a touchdown secured. But everything good comes with a price, dialectics had taught Nikolai, and so it seemed to be when Nikolai's frustrated comrades took out their anger on Hubris, forcing him to his private apothecary's care for the rest of the match. And then the elves scored, ending the first half. Contemptible snickering and offending jeering filled the stadium's air like Nurgle would've filled it with a fetid stench. Trotsky, having slipped on Lenin's blood, had soon lost his consciousness, and now much-hated Stalin was the acting captain. Party's reserves had also run dry, and Nikolai found himself directed to the pitch. He positioned himself behind everyone else, ready to use this vantage point to run and intercept any and all elven attempt to come past the middle line with the ball. It was then to Nikolai's great dismay that elves got past him fast. Or rather elves got past everyone else, primarily Stalin, and then run the ball fast to the Party's end zone. And as new drive was organised, Trotsky walked up to the field and relieved Nikolai of his duty. So far the true star player of the Vanguard Party had had the honour of taking three steps withing the pitch. And see where it was getting the Party? Defeat it looked like, elves running around if not over the Party. Perhaps realising this, Trotsky decided to swap comrade Antonov-Ovseyen to Nikolai just before the ball was about to be kicked. Now on the offense, Nikolai ran straight to the ball, picked it up and moved forward with a laugh on his lips. Elves were but a unmoving dots to his eyes as he moved on the green like a lightning. One elf there, Nikolai evaded him before they were even at arm's length from one another, another elf there, Nikolai could've leaped over him with obscene hand gestures showing and it would be easy as walking. But there was a dept of kindness to be payed, Trotsky had called Nikolai in for this drive and Lenin had honoured Nikolai by calling him Party's secret weapon. It took only second for this drive to end, when Nikolai thrusted the ball to Trotsky's arms as he was crossing into the end zone. Fifth drive beginning, Nikolai was kept in the pitch. With elves receiving the ball and only some moments of game left, Trotsky held a quick pep talk about the historical necessity of the soon coming world revolution, and the vital part that true socialist heroes, here pointing at Nikolai, would make in it. These words perhaps gave Nikolai and his comrades the surge of energy that allowed to quickly blitz past the elven defences just as Nikolai's boot's tip touched the ball. That was, however, not enough, and soon elves had picked up the ball and thrown it in a wide arc across the entire pitch. Loss and humiliation seemed imminent, but few of the slower comrades, still standing in the Party's side of the pitch, managed, even with their feeble skills, to reach the ball and halt its run. When Nikolai arrived, in just mere seconds, he found the ball lying on the ground, sacked. With his fast hand and faster feet, Nikolai swooped up the ball and run to the elven end zone, past all the pointy eared embodiments of backwards arrogance. There were no more elven sneers when Nikolai scored Party's 3rd touchdown in the final seconds of the match, just his own superior and justified laughter that soon echoed from the spectators as a wall of noise.
  19. Another quick and dirty one, to catch up with current events. I didn't even bother to go picture hunting this time. Style: dramatic person specific narrative, not one of those faltering comical styles recent ones have been. MD4: Narrative match report Astrogranite was hot to touch, even though sun wasn't in heavy blaze. Vanguard Party's vice-captain Trotsky raised his hand from the ground, grimacing at his reddened hand and covering it with a glove. One more reason to not go down in this game, boots of BBC Parchelona were famously spiky and just across the line of scrimmage. Referee also had a smile of a goblin recently erichned. With these thoughts in Trotky's mind, imperial team kicked the ball high to the sky, allowing comrade Antonov-Ovseyen easy catch. Sounds of fighting filled Trotky's left ear, as captain Lenin lead the charge. This was vice-captain's cue, and he tapped nearby comrade's back. Together they ran to the nearest Parchelonian and kicked him down. After quick victory, Trotky retreated to right edge of the pitch, ready to tackle anyone attempting through. With a side glance he saw that ball had moved near to the middle of pitch. Plan was for Trotsky to run deep and treathen to catch a throw, helping Party's main push through the middle, but vice-captain saw the plan falterin even before its start. Comrade Lenin had said he could control Bernd Schuster, Parchelonian player known for aptness for violence, but captain, while managing to down Schuster, seemed to fail to even stun him. Lying there, surrounded by spike-booted Parchelonians, captain's situation was bad, and Trotsky decided to break away from the plan, running protect his captain from any fouls. This bought captain enough time to jump straight to air from his prone positions, but in his haste captain fumbled his landing and lay stunned in astrogranite. Trotsky had, however, already moved back to the plan and opened up a route for himself in the right side, unable to return to his captain's aid again. As granite piercing spikes of Julio Alberto's boots pierced Lenin's skin, Trotsku saw referee showing its raised thumbs to Parchelona's head coach. Now in overall command of the party, as Lenin was carried away to apothecary's care, Trotsky yelled for the ball to go forward as he struck Parchelonian next to him, opening a way it to run. Spectre of Communism, Party's mascot bear, also came running to hold the line against imperial humans. One agile human, Migueli by name, slipt past both Trotsky and the bear, menacing the ball, but Trotsky fast followed him, striking him down mercileslly. All around the pitch there were multiple fights between Party and Parchelonians, most of them favouring the latter; this drive needed to be a succesful one. All looked good in that regard, ball was but steps away from the end zone, now all that was needed was some stalling time, for scoring too fast would be a mist...Trotsky felt a metal covered fist connecting with his chest and all went black for a moment. When Trotsky's sight returned, along with it came Bern Schuster dropping down on him fast, and all went black again. When his mind returned to him, Trotsky heard that next drive was about to beging, with moments of 1st half remaining; comrade Antonov-Ovseyen had managed to score. Comrade Lenin was alive but unable to for rest of the match and comrade Nogin, another blitzer, was unconscious. Still in command of the team, Trotsky set up Party for an all out defense; if Parchelonians couldn't score now, forcing a fast one out of them at the start of next half should be trivial, allowing Party to do one of their lightning runs again. It was several minutes of pure chaos, and Trotsky didn't honestly know what had happened in the end. His only memory was looking down on a Parchelonian blitzer next to him when he saw a ball flying towards them in a high arc. Growling to each other Trotsky and this imperialist jumped high, but Trotsky's jump was higher, and his hands reached around the ball, bringing it down to his embrace. Referee blowed the whistle and the half time came to end as crowds cheered of succesful intercept. After a quick visit to captain, Trotsky spent the pause between two halftimes trying to wake comrade Nogin, but despite his best oratorical efforts, Nogin remained fast asleep. "We'll have to play for a really quick one now", Trotsky muttered to himself as he heard referee's whistle again. Party set up deep in their own half, not allowing for easy hits. Parchelona had to come and score fast if they wanted to win, and seeking a win from another attack than a prolonged defensive play seemed wiser to vice-captains eye. Younger members of the Party could not, however, be contained as they saw those assigned to scrimmage getting pummeled, they run to their aid. Cursing false consciousness and his comrades' lack of big picture, Trotsky took on after them and stopped only to puch a Parcheloanian in the face. Still, everything began to fall apart fast, and Party members numbers started slowly dwindling as general brawl began. Amidsts the chaos Trotsky saw Miegueli running forward in cage, carrying the ball. Trotsky looked around and saw comrade Antonov-Ovseyen standing few steps away from all the violence, confused. Quickly shouted order reached his ear and he joined vice-captain for one last ditch effort to reach the ball. Together they jumped inside the cage Trotsky landed a quick blow on Migueli when Antonov-Ovseyen distracted everyone else. Ball left Migueli's hands but landed between many Parchelonians. While cursing this misfortune, Trotsky felt Maradona's fist connecting between his neck. This was no mighty blow of Bern Schuster, and vice-captain only rolled down the astrogranite, in full control of his senses. Turning the rolling momentum into a running speed, Trotsky jumped up and followed the ball Parchelonian's had picked up and moved backwards. Urruti was the ball carrier's name and he looked mighty terrified of Trotsky running next to him. With a dialectect inspired treath sprining to his mind, Trotsky released a grin and started to tell how and why BBC Parchelona's defeat was inevitable when a familiar feeling returned, a fist connected to his neck. But his was no fist of Maradona, it was the spiky and metallic fist of Bern Schuster and familiar feeling of having no sensations at all returned to Trotsky. Next thing he knew was referee's whistle and victorious yells of Parchelonians, match had advanced to 1-1 situation. This moment of lucidity was quickly fleeting and Trotsky fell back into doctorinal slumber. Then he woke up again, this time to the proper cheers of ideology; with a blurry vision Trotsky realised that the score counter of Vanguard Party had advanced to two somehow. This happiness proved too much for him, and darkness, old friend by now, called him once again. When Trotsky's consciousness finally returned more permanently, the match was already long over. Captain Lenin stood next Trotsky's bed, holding is weight against it, clearly still in pain himself. "We won enough", comrade Lenin said with but a slight hint of sadness. "Party didn't lose and we all live to fight another day."
  20. Bumping this up. We're in need of some more replacements. See the first post for details.
  21. I got a two-in-one deal and here they are. Beautiful people, I dare say.
  22. Okey, first off, Christmas and New Year proved to be unusually busy time for me, so this writing project got put on hold among many other things. Now that things are less hectic and I've managed to restart and catch the backlog on more important things, it is time to kick some speed into this team blog here. Still, I am going to skip post match analysis for MD3 and MD4 and pre-match theorising for MD4 and MD5 just to save some time. Also, this MD3 narrative report had no revisions, it is first draft all the way and the concept was puns. Be prebeared for something grizzly. MD3: Narrative match report Oh yes, there He was, walking into the pitch proudly, like a big, white, furry thing that mauled people to death. It, of course, was all those things, but it only comes naturally to a bear. Team around the bear was of no consequence and team opposite of it was only for so much as the bear ripped and teared it. This bear, this Spectre of Communism, it was a bearon, a noble bearbarian, artist of violence whose paws sung with a deep bearitone. It and all the other bears were the reason why Furrest Gimp bothered himself with Blood Bowl at all, had bought himself one of the best seats for this match, it was the unbearable love that he had for this grizzly animals. And furries sight they were, the wild norseman standing in front of the bear was nothing but a small and puny sack of meat in front of a mighty beast. When the ball was kicked the norseman stood there totally unprebeared. But then, suddenly, all the dreams came crushing down, requiring great forebearance from Furrest not to scream and howl his pain. A large and hairy man, almost like he tried to cosplay a bear, joined the contest between the bear and a man, bruining the spectacle. It was horrifiying sight and Furrest furrious over it. Why didn't other spectators or even the referee notice this abuse of a beautiful animal? The feeling got even more overbearing when the bear stood up and the performance was repeated, this time stunning the fuzzy and cute animal. Match went on despite this tragic state of affairs, but Furrest didn't really care for it, he was here for the bear and violence done by the bear, not done to it. Although a veteran spectator of many Blood Bowl matches, Furreest was so fixated on bears that he knew little of the rules of the game and was thus totally unkoalified to judge what was going on. Still, it looked like the bear's team, some kislevites, were punishing the norsemen for the animal abuse, even when the referee and other spectators had bearely noticed it. It was so brutal revenge, in fact, that norse, initially trying to move forward in the polar opposite side of the pitch, decided to retreat and restart their advance from next to the bear. Furrest felt almost bad for the northern wildlings, thinking themselves strong enough to break this bearricade. Norse realised their folly too, by the looks of it. When the bear stood up again, they all ran back to other side of the pitch, seeing a fight against this force of nature as their own bearial. It did not, however, help them much, as kislevites, knowing their strongest asset, freed the bear from one poor norseling left behind to distract it, and the bear run into the very middle of their new formation. Terrified of how their tail might end, the norse run away again, one of them with the all important ball that dictated the direction of each matches violence. It teddyous to watch for Furrest, how could these mere mortals escape from the all catching chain of the bear? Still, they escaped from their rightful pawning, and the ball flew across the pitch to another norselings hands. Only one norseling was left behind. Again, this seemed to be a sacrifise to appease the mighty bear so it would not follow the ball. As the kislevites scrambled after the ball and seemed to get it off the other northeners, judging by the crowds cheers, Furrest cheered as well, for the bear landed its first blow in the entire match and the sacrificial norse was lay stunned in the field, totally pawsed by the mighty blow. And so the halftime ended, with the norse lying next to the bear either stunned or too scared to stand up. The ursome bellow of the crowd indicated that the kislevites had managed to steal the ball and score, but Furrest didn't really care about that. What was more interesting was the fact that all the knocked out norse, those not carried out by pallbearers, woke up. They could meet another embearassing mauling during the next half. ______________________________________________________________________ Next half started with a lot of promise, sweet as honey. Bear was positioned in the middle, with many norsemen facing it down, ready to meet their forebearers. Sadly, for Furrest at least, the bear's thunder was destined to be stolen by fast moving kislevites, killing and stunning their whole frontline. It had no option but to move forward in search of a fresh crop of victims. Surprisingly these new bloodbags to be bled proved to be a tougher lot, and the bear fell to the bare ground after a mighty struggle. Then it stood up and went down again, and again. Furrest, usually totally unreceptive to the non-bear reality around himself, started to realize his shouting and screaming were becoming unbearable even for Blood Bowl fans sitting around him, judging from the way he could tail their grizzly gazes back to his own. Quick mob violance in the crowd seemed imminent. Then another kind of violance saved Furrest from surviving only as a bad memory to pawsterity, a panda-emic gasp spread throughout the stadium, and even Furrest caught to the fact that Norse had stolen the ball. Bear and all the kislevites were moving in fast to take it back though. When the ball carrying burly norseman was only steps away from the end zone, one last bearfur wearing kislevite dived after him and tackled the ball to the ground. This bought bear time to move next to it, guaranteeing it a prime place in the ensuing violence. And violence there was. Brutal, pain inducing violence that left many scars on many a man. But, sadly once again, the bear had no part in except as witness to the fast moves of the kislevites who stole both the bears kills and the ball. Crowd erupted in another cheer when the Vanguard Party scored their second touchdown, but Furrest Gimp cried as the bear got knocked out by the norsemen looking for an outlet for their anger. This was the most unbearable match of all the matches with bears. No words could do justice to the letdown this game had been. And, in the end, Furrest sought solace from a bun vendor near the stadium's exit, but the buns were horrible too.
  23. UPDATED! Tier 6 has had several sad dropouts and needs new blood to bleed in the pitch. We're in need of 2 replacements as of this edit. If you already have a team in OCC, replacement team will be a substitute one and can't continue playing after this season. If you have no team in OCC, you can continue with the team in future seasons, as T6 is the bottom tier. Latter kind of team must be a new one. If you're interested, contact @Bouffon, @Mongloom, @Ozone and @Breschdleng. Thanksin advance.
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