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Everything posted by Yogojojo

  1. Well it looks like it's time to use that brand new OCC Champ tag that was developed.... (hint hint)
  2. Hee hee... it looks like with a proper pool of coaches, the experiment is proving accurate. You know what that means? I can't even rely on you lousy coaches to give me a random number! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  3. call me crazy, but how many ways ARE there to DC? 1. Alt +F4 2. Abandon Match Button (this result will force a concession) 3. Disconnect Adapter Card via Desktop 4. Release/Reset Router connection with ISP 5. Magical program that haxxorz it? Hey: How awesome would it be if we could spam matches with these bozos and then DC on them first? LOL. I would love to Troll them before they had a chance to bitch out.
  4. Ugh, what insane IP licensing is GW doing? They give SH to one company and then give SH:DW to another? This is actually laughable.
  5. Hey now! You aren't allowed to peek unless you play. There is the "null vote" which does it too, but then you get forcibly ejected from the study.
  6. Hey all, I appended the OP with some spoiler code. Hope you enjoy!
  7. Heck, even Blizzard came up with a way to resume a Starcraft match based upon the replay of the match...why can't Cyanide? Heck, you can even CHOOSE the time at which you want to resume the match. And there's a heck of a lot more going on in an RTS.
  8. Aaand I'm done, I think, with BB. Blood pressure won't allow me to continue with these shenanigans.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Errant Saint

      Errant Saint

      Yeah I also find it helps to play some random MM time and again. Sort of like Kjel's not caring but also cause the more dice you roll, the more you see both ends of the spectrum.

    3. Kjelstad


      I used to play MM after a league loss and then get awesome dice. Now I play MM until I get a terrible game and think "OK, Nuffle owes me now"

    4. Errant Saint

      Errant Saint

      Kjel, that's been working superstition for several successful seasons. (Though I know there's no real tangible logic behind it.)

  9. you should look under the hood, there may be some niggling injuries the seller isn't mentioning
  10. My point Dode, is that the game IS balanced in spite of GW because of the BBRC and their efforts to streamline the ruleset for BB and the Living Rulebook.
  11. Oh Hobs, Don't forget the fact that GW admits that they have no interest in balancing the different factions in the myriad different games which they produce. The burden of balancing the game Falls upon the intrepid and dedicated hobbyists.
  12. Oh Hobs, Don't forget the fact that GW admits that they have no interest in balancing the different factions in the myriad different games which they produce. The burden of balancing the game Falls upon the intrepid and dedicated hobbyists.
  13. Yeah, sorry mate, but Amazons already have plenty of problems in a League format like this. Sure, in a Tournament scene with a fixed skill selection, or Resurrection tournament, Amazons are an easy choice for their awesome Dodge ability, but honestly, with their 7AV, they die QUITE easily in the long-run.
  14. Yeah, makes you wish that a little window would popup that says "type [keypress]" to return to default view. Click [here] to ignore message." Goddamn you Cyanide. Goddamn you to Christian-fabricated Hell.
  15. well, Orcs tend to be one of the most noob friendly races out there, don't worry about what other people might think of you because of what race you chose. If you like the pace and the style of play which orcs have, then continue to play them! If you feel that you'd rather try something else, well heck, you can do that instead. Ignore the % of races present in the environment, because no one really will know what the % will be next season and no one knows what you will be paired with in your division either. EDIT: This OCC league has no rules which force a players to choose a race which is under-represented, but the SCC has this caveat: "SSC reserves the right to limit the intake numbers of certain races to specific times in there season to help boost numbers of other races." Except of course, if you are playing a Dwarf team. For some reason people have a real stick up their ass about them and I honestly don't understand why. They are the only team which has an award for killing ANY of their players (except the Deathroller) b/c "the only good dwarf is a dead dwarf."
  16. Well I for sure am not one of them. I've TPK'd a party when a character fumbled using a bead from his necklace of Fireballs, causing a conflagration when the entire necklace exploded. I've done a Retributive strike with a Staff of the Magi with an NPC vs a player who had a min/maxed character (with '2' 18 stats for his abilities) I can't count the number of times when I've allowed my party to completely derail a campaign (usually in Call of Cthulhu) resulting in: 1) Party refusing and/or neglecting to investigate and blindly "storming the castle" resulting in a swiftly escalating battle resulting in TPK 2) 2x TPK with "Horror on the Orient Express," one by a vampire Dominating the only character with a tommy-gun, who killed the rest of the party with a full-burst automatic fire at short range; one by murdering one character who stupidly went out exploring alone and pulling a switcheroo doppleganger-type event. I then allowed the dead player to return to the train and individually get each successive character to stray from the party "Hey, I saw the weirdest thing, you gotta see..." 3) GM'ing Delta Green: party became infected with unknown disease of unknown vector. They admitted such to DG command and then broke quarantine, requesting a pickup. DG command instructed them to go to an abandoned airfield and wait for delivery of "antidote." DG command neglected to inform party that the antidote was, in fact, a napalm airstrike at their coordinates. Now that I think of it, of ALL the Call of Cthulhu games I have run in 10 years, they have only had one mission to be considered an overwhelming success, i.e. total party survival and discovery/delay of alien terror. This coming from a group that classifies a "success" as one where at least 1 party member survives to tell the tale of their horrendous SNAFU'd plans.
  17. Ha, pretty nice. Although my mind is reeling: HOW can one make a PC bear in 3.5?
  18. Yep that story is a classic right up there with this one, from: http://members.ozemail.com.au/~iandl57/Page27.html#5 The Head Of Vecna is one of Role-Playing's all-time funniest true stories. I first read of it on the Letters page of 'KODT', and subsequently got extra details from an eyewitness. Multiple versions of the story unquestionably exist, because anecdotes this good are always messed with. But anyone who dismisses it as an urban legend clearly does not know role-players. It began in an AD&D tournament, in which the Hand Of Vecna and the Eye Of Vecna were rumoured to exist. For the uninformed, both the latter are tremendously powerful magic artifacts in the 'Advanced Dungeons & Dragons' game. The catch is that using these artifacts requires them to be grafted onto the Character's body in the appropriate location. So, to use either, a Character has to lose the corresponding body part first. By the way, it should also be noted that any Character using Vecna artifacts quickly becomes an 'Agent of Evil' (the title for that great KODT strip which deals with The Hand). Not really something to bother a Munchkin (who could tell the differance?), but a worry for anybody else. Anyhow, in this particular tournament, two groups of players were deadly rivals. With a diabolical cunning that still awes me, Group A created a "fake" artifact for their opponents to "find". They placed a decomposed humanoid head in an appropriate locale, with a number of clever boobytraps around it, then started spreading rumours about this fearsome artifact - the (flash of lightning, roll of thunder) Head Of Vecna. They even bribed a Bard to compose stories and songs about it. Similarly to the other Vecna artifacts, the Head was purported to only work if the user's head was cut off and the Head placed on the user's body instead. It so happened that one member of Group A had not been informed of his team's project. So, upon hearing stories about the HOV, he immediately set out to find it solo - presumably to prove himself to his teammates. He succeeded, and carried off his prize. Using magic to examine it, he found that NO magic of any kind was detectable (AH-HAAH! A well-known trait of Major Artifacts!). Up to this point, the Referee had felt very confident, since there was just no way somebody could cut his own head off. Alas, he underestimated this individual, who used his Druidic powers to summon and control a Giant Ape, to which he gave his scimitar and some basic instructions... Group A soon began looking for their missing teammate. They found his body and both heads, figured out what happened, and had a good laugh about it (well, except for the victim). The HOV was placed back in its "rightful location", and the traps reset. Along came Group B, who had by now heard of the HOV. They were greatly impressed by the clever traps around the 'Artifact' (one Character almost blew his saving roll against what was, in truth, the weakest poison known) and soon carried away the Head in triumph. That was when the trouble began. All members of Group B had heard about the awesome powers of the HOV, and they all wanted it. Badly. Arguments ensued. Characters actually started fighting with each other (several rounds of combat) because they ALL wanted their heads cut off! Eventually, an agreement was reached. The "lucky" Character stepped forward and was beheaded. In the process of placing the HOV onto his body, a fresh argument broke out, which delayed matters for several minutes. They then went ahead and placed the HOV on the body. Nothing happened, other than the HOV falling off. This provoked further argument and much outrage (especially from the Player whose Character was now noticeably shorter). On their own, it was decided that there had to be a time factor - the HOV needed a body that was still "fresh". So, after further debate, ANOTHER CHARACTER VOLUNTEERED! The same thing happened. By this time, Group B was VERY upset, the Referee was close to bursting, and an audience had developed. Group B then decided (once again, unassisted) that "obviously" the HOV would only "work" in conjunction with both the other 'Vecna' artifacts. So they went out, found the Eye and the Hand (or, my personal guess, what they THOUGHT was the Eye and the Hand) and brought them back. The Eye was placed in the HOV, and the Hand attached to yet another volunteer, then the obligatory beheading went ahead.... Guess what? Okay, two Characters left at this point. They then decided that the order in which the Vecna artifacts were ...er... placed had to be the key, so they prepared to do it AGAIN! At this stage, the Referee halted proceedings. By his own admission, he had to (his sides were hurting too much). I don't know if Group B got any prizes in that tournament, but some sort of Darwin Award would have seemed appropriate. As the Referee put it in his letter to KODT: "...The moral of this story is, do not cut your own head off unless you really really know what you are doing..." Amen to that.
  19. Oh, absolutely! He's all brash and cocky until someone actually swings something at him. Then it's all "Better part of valor, better part of valor!" The good part about his being a rogue is that while he may not be able to do much damage, he can still stick the pointy bit where it hurts (sneak attack dice!) plus it never goes out of style to just 'Aid Another." My friends were confused that I took such a nasty -neg hit for my build at -3 skill points per level, but then again, I was just moonlighting the character for laughs anyways. Heck someone with horrible stats like that is just doomed in the DnD setting. :P
  20. what server are you guys on?
  21. I was playing some 3.5 Dungeons and Dragons with my buddies two weeks ago, I had built a 2nd level character on-the-fly to jump into a little campaign with some of my other friends. NOT ONLY did I roll-up (4d6, keep 3 dice) the worst character I've seen in a while: Human Rogue, "Stephano the Magnificent" Str:9 (-1 modifier) Dex:13 (+1 mod) Con 10 (0 mod) Int: 5 (-3 mod) Wis:9 (-1 mod) Cha 10 (0 mod) (Note: a rule-of-thumb for character-building to to add up the total modifiers derived from your statistics. The number should ALWAYS be positive. MINE IS -4!) I deliberately penalized all my skill-gaining ability, and maxed-out my Bluff skill. I thought it was absolutely fabulous that my party wanted to get a 'skill-laden' character into the group, so I added this monstrosity. Not only did he lack the basics of most thieves, meaning his trapfinding, search abilities totally blew...but he brazenly bragged about his ability to do ANYTHING (thus the high Bluff). Stephano's catchphrase was: "Hey whatcha doing? No problem, I'm great at [insert concept here]. Step aside- got this!" And then I would just roll the dice and hope to succeed. Stephano was a compulsive liar who needed to feel superior. He couldn't admit to himself or others that he knew nothing, so regardless the topic of conversation, he would make something up that no one could really disprove, so he could pose as an expert, or at least appear worldly. This way he could dominate conversations. The crazy bit occured in the middle of the adventure, just prior to getting into combat. Not certain of the details anymore, but suffice to say I rolled 3 Natural 20's in a row, all for some sort of skill check. ( 1:8000 chance!) I've seen 2 Nat-20's back to back, but this I've never seen! Amazingly, Stephano not only succeeded in his "skill-checks" but he actually survived the encounter.
  22. Is this really true? I've downloaded match log files from BBM in the past but have never noticed any chat log. Has there been a change?
  23. Curious, have you guys considered on the regularity of the 'cast? Weekly, or one/2 weeks? Longer?
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