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Everything posted by stuartddj

  1. I can apply tomorrow eve when I get home
  2. Have you looked at them the have a thrower and a blitzer to replace. My ssc team will be come out next anyway
  3. I can add my underworld in ssc holding for something squishy (bornslippy remix)
  4. I usually plan there skill run well in advance even what to take on a double! I probably should wait to physically select skill keeping the new skill unknown for as long as poss but impatience is my middle name so ASAP!
  5. I had a box television a a NES, transformers and a tone of Lego. My childhood was great. The benefits of being a child of the 80's. What's even better is I get to beat grumpy old men at blood bowl as well. Life is sweet.
  6. I think the Norse would have something to say about that oh sorry thought you said coldest race.
  7. If desperate I have a 2000 necro team kind of similar
  8. Said like a true elf! Only the ones do they notice only the ones!!!!!
  9. Or " when I was your age I was up at crack of dawn and down the mines all day without any breaks. You don't know your born!"
  10. What would it be called then How about www.asbO.A.P.co.uk or www.asbOCC.com The forum would only have topics on "In my day kids use to respect their elders." "Did I ever tell you the time when......." "During the war!"
  11. But will the inner circle of ear points let you back in since you glued you pubic hair to your chin?
  12. I think in my whole bb career I've done that once usually cause I play wood elves one of my dancers has been injured by turn 5
  13. I've never seen the point of twitter! I hear its full of twits. On the other hand its sister company loves Blood Bowl
  14. Fastshark is right so basically unless your lineman he is lvl 5+. Don't use apoth. Only use on positionals and even then find your key 3 or 4 and focus it on them. For example with my skaven team apoth was only for gutter runners or dead storm vermin. My wood elf team is wardancers only So your orcs should be blitzers and maybe that special black Orc.
  15. I would love to write a match report only thing is I find it hard to be motivated writing about losing
  16. Real men use a vampire team with no vampires
  17. Was the game a bit like this?
  18. It's full of travellers these days. But if you get on with them life's easy. So what was Staplehurst like pre ww1?
  19. Don't lie guys I bet you even have a Facebook page for your pet cat. The only reason your giving that stance is your pet cat has more friends than you!
  20. Canterbury. But I have now moved to Staplehurst.
  21. Civilization. A place where you can get 3G mobile phone signal. Garden of Eden. (Kent)
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Eijc2tGe-zM This is what you can expect when you venture to the valleys (or the strange land of sheep)
  23. I'll have to start practicing my running man! Think it'll be a fitting victory dance. Has anyone got a cassette recorder and tape so i can tape the Utah Saints on it. I wouldn't want to fry there brain by asking for a MP3 or even a CD player now!
  24. Why not go full hog if some of our Scandinavia brethren are joining us lets do blood bowl Eurovision Song Contest in the evening. I hear Tribble and hobnail entered the Eurovision back in 1920
  25. That's why Beastmen Teams don't last in the Valleys
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