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Death from a'froggin'bove


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After my mishap last season where I went and played with chorfs, I will now return to a less stressfull and more straightforward race to play...




Not entirely true what I said before, as Kislev is a very High Risk High Gain/Pain kinda team, but having played both Underworld and Pro Elf for a couple of season I should be used to crying during a match when I roll yet another snake-eye.

Its always better than to expect to keep players alive cause they have AV9 and then end up replacing 1-2 chorfs every 3 matches and ending a full season with a whopping 4 skillups with one of the easiest teams to play at low TV....



After a lot of deliberation I have decided to go with the Bear, 2 catchers, 1 blitzer ,linos and 3 RR. If Nuffle allows it ill buy a 2nd blitzer asap and then go for 3 or 4 catchers, but thats waaaaay to much planning ahead :)


So after this short why and how, its time for the WHO!!


The team appears to be a usual Kislev circus squad, but appearances can be deceiving.

In thruth the team is a roaming SLANN warband who has taken over the spaceship from the starship troopers, after yet another one expansion tries. The Slann also discovered a cunning holographic device transforming then into humans to the naked eye. As they dont know any human names they have adopted the names of the poor starship Troopers they have beaten and eaten.


bring on S5

first match will be vs a chaos squad with a mino, 3 warriors and 2 RR, oh joy!


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So MD1 was planned for monday january 1st of 2018, but as both our better halves decided to get sick on the same night, this evening freed up for both Corash and myself, leading to a very early MD1 match.


The aliens decided to kick the ball as they tend to do better on defense than on offence, and that was the case this time as well. Sweltering heat played a big role in the match for both teams btw.

An early turnover due to not rerolling a BD/skull resulted in a leap from a lino, who then picked up the ball in a TZ and then dodged out. Unfortunately that BC was then hunted down by a CW, but the next turn a catcher picks it up and makes a run for it. He still gets the heat from a CW on his tail (which he ofc doesnt have, as it isnt a slann lizard.. or is he, the public cant tell) but dodges out for an early TD 0-1 to DFA


Sweltering heat then takes out a mino, a CW and a beastie, but also 2 Kisslanns makin gin 9 vs 7. the kick is wide and lands just next to the side line and the chaos squad is unable to get it, but manages a TZ on it, incoming Death from above with a leap- pickup- dodge.... err no, not the dodge-stunned catcher. a Goat then pickup, but soon is faced against the big blue kroxigor. err nice cuddly white polarbear, but his mate 1dies the bear for a POW, clearing the path for the BC.

Next turn the Kisslann manages to double mark the BC, but with a catcher, who is promptly blitzed down. the goat still needs to make a dodge and a GFI for the TD, but passes them easily... 1-1


time for a 1turner.. Corash sets up a good 1ttd defense, but with leap in the mix its hard to defend... BLITZ!... so any hopes for a 1turner are smashed to dust... 1-1 HT


2nd Half the Kisslanss receive, tension is rising they get a quicksnap, but a bonehead on the bear followed by a skull-RR-skull stopt the offence even before it started... A CW manages a GFI and pickup to get the ball and it looks like the match is over even before the 2nd half is even well underway. Enter cuddly polar bear which dodges away from his marker fr a blitz, almost goes bonehead on the RR for the block ( he gets pushes first) and then downs the BS. the nearby catcher picks the ball up and passes it to a lineman awaitin gin the opponent midfield.. not safe ofc, but we have to try. a couple of succesfull blitzes later on 2 different BC's the ball can be picked up passed and catched for a 2-1 score on T12


enter massacre turn... 2 players out injured 2 players ou due to SH vs 1 BM out 7 vs 10

LoS blocks- dead lino KO lino 5 vs 10

The Kisslanns still ahve a shot to 1die the BC, but the leap in the cage fails.. 2-2 end


1 MNG (a catcher)

1 dead Lino


but enough winnings for an apo.

next match the TV will be 1020 with still no skills and 2 loners and will be played vs Darkelves, who have yet to play vs Da Coach and his chaos squad. lets hope he manages to maul them badly so the MD2 match will be more fair!

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8 hours ago, Borke said:

Rough match by the sounds of it - good thing you managed to get a point and some SPP from it.

Meh mainly due to my own stupidity did i almost lose, i lucked out to still get the draw.

The bear did more than earn his right to a place on the squad though. Glad I took him

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well MD2 was kinda weird with lots of highs and lows, but what can you expect with a Leaping Kislev team :)

The opponents were a bunch of emos with 3 blitzers (1 was mng) and a runner, and only 2 RR 


We decided to receive and hope for the bear to make an early difference, but than a Blitz! happened...

The emos get 2 TZ's on the landing spot, downing a nearby player, but needed a RR for a failed dodge.

When our turn finally starts the 5/6 SPP lino gets the ball (needing an RR) and manages to pass to a waiting catcher (boy did he feel big and strong after that!). A foul also manages to KO one of the blitzers.

Next turn the bear decided to step up and MNG a loner lino and we manage a sort of middle of the field open ended cage.. very suboptimal.. The blodge blitzer can easily get to the catcher and downs him, but cant get the ball. The emo who was supposed to get the ball, forgot to tie his shoelaces and snakes his dodge, so the ball is now an easy pickup for my 3/6 blitzer who runs it down the field, feeling mightily agile for picking up a ball. The emos do manage to get a 1die on him, but only get a push and decide to force the TD on T5.

The kick lands on a free lino on the LOS, but htis measn the emos need to rethink their strategy and misplce the BC in range of a leaping lino, who manages to down the BC (dumpoff failed and bounced a lot). We then manage to get 3 TZ on the ball, but a simple push on the ball, makes it scatter totally free of Kislev TZ's..... The emos get the ball and try to hand off, but fail that. I get a shot at the ball, but need a 1die to free it of TZ's-> skull, so no 2-0. The emos manage to recover the ball, but fail yet another dodge...


Yes Frank Furter rolled a lot of 1's on dodges, overall his dice were average and that was mostly due to some elfish BS in the 2nd half..

speaking of which:


Kick was a touchback, so the emos held it safely in their half. a loner on the LOS got fouled to death, but the Ref heard his dying scream and sent the fouler packing. The bear was not used to smelling blood and needed a couple of turns to get back to normal, but he started with a couple of BD, puttin ghim on the ground were it was fouled to a stun. The Ref is not part of any animal rights group, so the foul went unpunished (although the bear did get angry, but we will get to that)

the next couple of turns wer a fight for the ball near the side line. 2 emos were fed to the crowd, but the crowd was sated on salt and popcorn as they did bupkiss.. In the end the catcher was finally able to leap onto the ball and pick it up, but couldnt get far enough (I didnt dare the GFI as I had 0RR left) and was promptly downed again. The blodge blitzer dodge a couple of times, pick up the ball in the bears TZ, dodged out, but then one of his mates failed a 2+ dodge, leavin gthe blodger open for a 3die from the bear. The blitzer mustve looked like the dude who fouled the bear as he was POWed and AV busted, and with no Apo thats bad news. This raised the spirits of the team and a lino leaps onto the ball, picked it up and passed it to another lino, who sprinted inches from the goal line. 

2 GFI's a dodge and a 1die block later he was stunned on the ground and the ball was loose.

I had 1 shot left at 2-0, needed a 3+ dodge, 4+ pickup 3+ leap 3+dodge. but failed the pickup..


1-0 in the end and 1-1-0 now


Still no skills on the team, but I had enough gold to buy the 2nd blitzer (so 2 catchers and 2 blitzers for MD3) and the lvld blitzer got +AGi and the lvld lino got +str.. S4 leaper ftw!!!!


bad news is I face dorfs next...




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right, when you need 5 rolls for a pickup (2 RR burned by T2) and the get intercepted on a 6+ and roll 1's for most of the leaps that matter, you lose 2-0 to dwarves. the 2d half setup of him was very weak vs kislev, but my dice just didnt allow me to take advantage.

S4 guy is MNG vs chaos, but I lvld a lino and my BEAR! and got a mvp on the rookie blitzer so need a vanity pass next week for a skill


lolz, fluffy rolled 11 :) took break tackle

lineman took kick


chaos next match...

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  • 2 weeks later...

so he took a babe..

I decided to kick and got a BLITZ!!!!! w000tt


Fluffy blitzed, oh no he didnt he bone headed... got 3 guys around the landing zone as I used kick to good effect and even caugth the ball. This is were the good news for the first half ends.... the first 13 hits of the chaos ended in 12 downed players. my RR were gone by T3 on rolled 1's. only positive news was I only had 1 ko'd player. halfway through the first half fluffy got his first cas, but that was too little too late.. 0-1

1ttd time.. got some blocks, but was 1 square short, so went with a 3die block bdbdskull... fitting end of the half


2nd half I scored an early 1-1

I even got the ball loose on the next drive on a 1die block, but snake eyed the dodge on a 2+ leap 3+ pickup 2+ dodge sequence to get the loose ball and run almost out of reach. That was were the good new ended and the chaos strolled in the 1-2 at T16


fluffy took another 2 CAS so Da Coach's next oppo will face ony 2 CW and my 2nd blitzer got hi pass for lvl 2 and got block...


for now I have chalked this season up as a a building season and will mostly play to keep players alive from now one..

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  • 2 weeks later...

turn 3 

-1 av on rookie catcher

MNG (-av apo to MNG) on agi4 blizter

this game and next one are lost. 

finishing the match on dubble skulls was just fitting.


break tackle onthe bear is amazing!.

big drop in TV for next match, but that is vs rookie vamps. at this rate ill just stay in T6 :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Although ive been a lucky charm for most of my opponents lately, this was not the case vs Snot Spirit and his flings..


He took zara and chef

Zara KO'd herself twice on a dubskull on her first and second block

CHef took 2 RR 1st half and 0 for the 2nd


i rolled 6 BD/skull leading to turnovers, but the flings missed a lot of dodges....


won 2-0 and lvld

catcher- dodge

agi4 blitzer-wrestle

Bear- guard as with BT he can go in nice guard spots

lino- block


as I got 1 niggled players I am still down to 10+ a loner for MD8 which will be vs rookie vamps.

My TV will be 1450 vs 1100 ish.. so lots of inducements for the vamps.. no liking the looks of that

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  • 2 weeks later...

MD7 was an admin draw as 12 hours time difference and tight schedules dont help arranging a match..


md8 was vs vamps. I had some luck, Razta made 1 mistake that led to my 2-0.


team is finally shaping up. 3 blitzers, 1 catcher atm, will buy 2nd catcher when I can.



final md will be high elvees 60k under me..

if I win Ill be 5th and will go to t5, if i lose, ill be 7th...

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S5 is in the books, ended 5th after 2-1 win over some high elves. 5th means a sure promotion to t5

after 3 turns i thought it was over, than his dice turned cold and I  managed to go 0-2 up.


he did MNG (-str turned to mng) Fluffy who will be sorely missed on MD1 of next season. also niggled a block lino, but I lvld another one who got block as did my catcher, who is now blodge. since he needs less protection I bought a 2nd one.


tV 1350 for md1 next season with 1 loner and no bear... here's hoping for something soft..

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# Team Coach Race TV GP W D L TD+ TD- TD+/- Cas+ Cas- Pts
1 Da Tiny Titanz Com Yarrick Ogre 1720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Lost Bandits 77Rebel Dark Elf 1290 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Castors Trois-Rivières Luke4444 Human 1230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Compagni di Ventura gnoccop Necromantic 1200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Ataraxia Buccaneers Aether Kuku Human 1350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Ataraxia's Black Crows Gaiasekker High Elf 1230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Death from a'froggin'bove Wismerhill Kislev 1230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Great Full Dead Bucketbong Undead 1180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 K Nation Scaron84 Khemri 1320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Brother Elves rsVordoca Elven Union 990 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



with 1 season in the bag I have by far the highest TV (Fluffy and my block lino are missing MD1 hence the now lowish TV) which might give me some extra problems to deal with.

On paper it doesnt look like a very bad group for my leapers, but itll be a division with loads of TD. only 2 claw is good, too bad they are in the same (necro) team.

Ill have to outrun the undead and Khemri, outelf the triplets of elves and outsmart my fellow humans (although my players are slann cleverly disguised ofc).

I see a lot of tense and exciting matches and cant wait for MD1 to start my string of Nuffle infused losses :)

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Fixtures are up and my MD opponent is this Human squad.


Only 11 players now, but I think he might go for 12 if he is wise. TVis equal, but ill be getting 2 loners meaning I am down 120. he might take the 12th from inducements, but ill have to wait and see.


This matchup should be doable, although ill miss Fluffy vs that mean block Ogre. That one could be a royal pain in my behind. No other MB or tackle so thats nice.

My key players will be my ag4 wrestler and my 6448 lino, who can both break into a cage and hopefully get the ball out in the waiting hands of the catchers.


kickoff will be tomorrow 1915ish


Ill be giving away a ton of inducements rest of the season (except perhaps vs the ogres) as my actual TV is 1500....

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45 minutes ago, wismerhill said:

Fixtures are up and my MD opponent is this Human squad.


The Ogre does seem like the only real threat.

But you know how it goes. In matchups like these, all of a sudden the regular Linemen turn into murderous psychopaths.

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Well that was.... something...


We went to the pitch with heavy hearts as we had to leave our pet bear Fluffy in the infirmary


but at least we knew he would be fine for MD2.


2 loners joined our ranks as usual. We dont try to get attached to them as they either die or flee after 1 match played with us, no clue as to why as we treat them with the utmost respect.



So they were firmly put on the LoS to face the block ogre!

To our surprise the humans suddenly had a chainsaw wielding Goblin in their mids, but as he KO'd himself on the 2nd attempts, I wont name him any further. Star Player my ass


Before the coach could sit down and think of a solid game plan



 2 turns were gone, the kicker was dead and 2 other players were badly hurt. In the process our 6448 lino had lep into the cage and dropped the BC, but in the end the quick numerical disadvantage made a defence impossible, so 0-1 at T4.


The kickoff went fine as the ball landed left on the midfield, but the humans were able to create a cage.

Over the course of the next couple of turns, a pass failed to get the ball into the opponents half and the few players left were unable to stop a human blitzer to get the ball and run near my endzone.

I think my opponent forgot about Jumpup as one of my blitzer was able to 1die him and get him down. the ball was thrown in, but I could do anything with it. In the end Luke4444 needed a GFi to go 0-2 but failed on the line.


I had 7 players left to start the 2nd half vs 10 humans.. not looking good. I was all set to stall a draw, but then a Blitz happenend, meaning there weer allready a lot of opposing players in my half, so I needed to score quickly.so 1-1 by t10


It was here the opponent make his biggest mistake, he misplaced a guard lineman, giving me an easy 2die block on his BC, knocking him down and freeing the ball in a single TZ, after failing the first pass I was able to get it in safe hands, but there was no way for me to stall it as I was down in players too much.. 2-1


With still 6 vs 10 I knew I wasnt able to do anything to stop the score so I had settled for a 2-2, but then the Ref decided the game was sooo much fun, that it should last an extra turn..




So it was 2-2 by T13


Somehow my opponent thought I was gonna bash through him as he set up a column defense, but leaving me a 2 square wide open lane to run a sort of cage in. The kickoff was out of bound which helped me further. All he could realise was  a 1 die block on my S4 lineman who had the ball, but it didnt work, so 3-2 by my T15 and 2 more turns for him to score...(if only there hadnt been a riot...)


The kick was very good, forcing the opponent to pickup and pass with a lineman, but as he had been given a RR by the fans he eventually managed to get it in the hands of his thrower.



I was able to get 3 players on intercepting spots, but I miscalculated by 1, so I wasnt able to intercept and than a long pass to his ag4 catcher sealed the 3-3 draw..


All in all there should have been no way I didnt lose after those first 2 turns with 3 players out, but some mistakes by my oppenent gave me shots and with Kislev with some ag4 and S4 thats all it takes..


1 lvl on a lino so:


Next up:



with around 300k inducements.....


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My Beautiful Bouncing Bullies after for MD2



Some Ugly Unwell Undead I face



Dek te Dead and Robbie Rotten will be players I need to avoid as well as the mummies ofc

@bucketbong will get 200k inducement and he has some cash SO i might see a wizard and a bribe, but perhaps he will use that 130k to get a stadiumenhancement, since he allready has a lvl 2 stadium (oh how id love to have the 250k to spare to buy that, but for now I am sitting on 10k and that hasnt been a lot higher since the start)...


It has been a while since I have played with 0 loners and I do expect that after this match it will be another while before I have a full nonloner squad...


Well the team has proven to be able to score at least on MD1 with 3 TD's. unfortunately they also conceded 3 due to not having more than 6-7 players for about 2/3 of the game, some late game riot and a blitz against me... but hey, at least I didnt lose!



For this match I foresee some issues, but I hope my 5x agi4 can help me get the ball a couple of times. as long as I can make a run for it, he will have too few players to be able to catch up with my squad..


kickoff will be tuesday 1900utc or anytime we happen to online at the same time before that

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well, when I am wrong I am wrong



As predicted the undead bought a wizard and a bribe. In the first half we both played a nice positioning game, although i was able to make (5!) tries at his blodge BC. 2 were 2dies (so 51% with team RR) and 3 were 1due with wrestle (56% with team RR) I burned all 3 RR on these blocks, but no avail.. burning the RR on those blocks almost cost me as in T6-8 I quite a lot of 1's when trying to get to the BC. 



Ace Levy finally stepped up and POW'ed the BC as the opponent had left him wide open, the ball didnt g out of bounds, so Ace decided to dodge, pickup dodge and GFI to make it hard for the undead to regain the ball. on their T8 they blitzed and blocked him, but he wouldnt go down. My T8 leap, handoff, dodge, gfi, pass, catch-> TD (ll were 2+ but still I felt I didnt deserve it..


Meanwhile Fluffy was like 


after he got knocked down at one point...


So 2nd half I was receiving, but the undead still had their wizard in hand. they lined up on the LOS and on the flank los as well. this gave me ample oppurtunity to get 2 players in his midfield, Fluffy taking out his MB wight in the process. a failed wizard to remove the player keeping the ball in my backfield ( he as taken down, by no break meant a quick 2-0 by T10

After that Bucketbong kinda lost interest and tried a bit, but 3-0 was up by T13. He did stop me goin further, but it wasnt a real match after the 3-0.



so 2 matches 6 TD's

lvld a rookie blitzer that took block

lvld a rookie catcher who rolled double for much needed guard.


TV 1540 next match with yet again 1 loner  when I play Elven union with TV1150k ish.... I foresee eldril a wizard and maybe a bribe... lets see how that goes




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