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I'm half tempted to push DOCC to a weekly league, it'd start being 'de facto' rather than the 'de jure' everybody here needs?


DOCC is just a paralell league that has been by courtesy hosted by OCC. The fact it has a similar name doesn't make it OCC.


Wanting to impose it "De facto"  is rude.


Claiming DOCC teams should transfer to OCC, would be punishing coaches which remained in OCC and not wanted to play two teams both in DOCC and OCC.


When Official OCC2 starts (and I don't think it will happen that soon because with the current league management tool a wide league can't be properly admined in BB2 on the long run - As a world qualifier organizer, New Ogham League, I know a little bit about that) I believe all coaches must be on an equal ground.


That is Why I support the Green suit decision that What happened it DOCC  has to remain ... in DOCC only.

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The DOCC's purpose was to let people start playing BB2 while we waited for the proper league and to give us some experience in handling a league in it (and yes, it's a pain). I had hopes for DOCC teams to be able to make it into the OCC2, but it was decided against, for good reasons. When the OCC2 starts up, everyone starts out the same.


Despite all the issues with the client, I think it's going to be awesome fun!

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DOCC is just a paralell league that has been by courtesy hosted by OCC. The fact it has a similar name doesn't make it OCC.


Wanting to impose it "De facto"  is rude.


Claiming DOCC teams should transfer to OCC, would be punishing coaches which remained in OCC and not wanted to play two teams both in DOCC and OCC.


When Official OCC2 starts (and I don't think it will happen that soon because with the current league management tool a wide league can't be properly admined in BB2 on the long run - As a world qualifier organizer, New Ogham League, I know a little bit about that) I believe all coaches must be on an equal ground.


That is Why I support the Green suit decision that What happened it DOCC  has to remain ... in DOCC only.


I really didn't claim it with so much venom?


Read the quote you quoted, it explains it all in full rather than the first half of the sentence you decided to hammer down on?


You could actually read the collection of banter as a polite nude to the greens to make something happen, rather than just sit on their high and untouchable cloud?


My experience is unless you kick up a stink nothing ever happens? Artificially created or not a 'stink' happened. It's up to the rest of you to decide if I was part of the plan or just the fact that I'm laying myself out there as a pariah you can burn?

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Yeah, that's the worst.  I keep trying to see what skills a player has as I can't recognize all the symbols and then the camera moves and I keep missing which players have guard or leap or whatever.  I can barely get my turn done in two minutes and I don't see that you can play three minute turns in the main league.  At least if the camera wouldn't move it would be possible for the old slow guy (just me?) to get his turn done without a colossal mistake.

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Yeah, that's the worst.  I keep trying to see what skills a player has as I can't recognize all the symbols and then the camera moves and I keep missing which players have guard or leap or whatever.  I can barely get my turn done in two minutes and I don't see that you can play three minute turns in the main league.  At least if the camera wouldn't move it would be possible for the old slow guy (just me?) to get his turn done without a colossal mistake.


After awhile you get most of the icons memorized and the problem isn't as pronounced.  Now when I play BB1 I get annoyed that I have to click on every player to see their skills :clown:

But its still annoying for the rarer skills I don't have memorized, and annoying in general because I'm perfectly capable of putting the camera where I want it!

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I love how "Block" and "Pass Block" look very similar.  They are both a hand, I think pass block has some majesty around it.  I've mistaken pass block for block before, it's not funny to watch your player go down on a both down thinking he has block :-)  I think that was one of the elf star players that I'm not familiar with that I made the mistake on!



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After awhile you get most of the icons memorized and the problem isn't as pronounced. Now when I play BB1 I get annoyed that I have to click on every player to see their skills :clown:

This is the second time you say that, but in BB1 it's enough to hover over, it is BB2 that forces you to click, then hover over each individual skill, plus it is slow as molasses when it comes to presenting how many dice your block will get.

And the pitch has too small bleed, you can't get a good look at the end zone - or the hither sideline when kicking with kick skill..

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I think just big letters would be easier than the icons.  DT, NoS, KOR, SH, SF.  Everybody knows what those are, right?  And yeah, the angle of the pitch is weird even in BB1 mode.  I just can't see enough even when I scroll back one for a slightly more overhead view.  And then of course when anything happens it resets the camera back to the middle and you have to move the camera up and scroll back one click for the higher view EVERY TIME.  So annoying.


I think maybe we got off topic...

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