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I was wondering why that horns gobo didn't go for my ballcarrier. That was why Zara spent most of the 1st half behind my cage so she could recover the situation when it all went to hell. However I do understand you not wanting to stand your players next to my trees especially since I was doing a pretty good job of removing them.

Why don't you play flings and then see if you feel like the favourite against underworld with 2 nasty blitzers.


That said I did a pretty good job of bullying this time. It felt good. Time to move onto a bash team.

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On 4/20/2018 at 2:20 AM, Larkstar said:

You know what they say.  If you can't beat em, join em!  lol

Nah, it's 'If you can't beat them, try and try again, they're only little, go on, I'll hold them still so you can give them a proper whack.'

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It's been a while since I updated this, and in the meantime, the match against Dakaman's Necro squad has been played.


I'm writing this from very faded recollection only, but this was a close and intense match. I scored by using the wizard first half, a perfect turn 8 score (used the wizard to break through the lines and establish a screen/cage behind Dakaman's team, which succeeded). The Necros didn't even try the one-turner. Second half Dakaman had little trouble overcoming my crumbling defense. He wanted to play for the win (and said so in chat), so he scored early (he was also under a bit of pressure at this point, so that might have helped; and the fact that attrition had started to set in for the Avengers). So, when we received and suffered Perfect Defense (I think) and a turnover on a block somewhere, a lot of Necros poured into our half and it started to look grim. However, maybe too many Necros had poured in, using only one half of the field (cause the other was blocked), which meant that if I could pull off a play using 3+ rolls and a few GFIs, I'd be up and away on the other half of the field. The rolls went my way, and the only option left to try for Dakaman was to dodge a Golem and make two GFIs - dodge failed, no reroll left, and we won!


2-1 victory, with around 600k inducements (I took wizard, Skitter, Glart, and a babe). Skitter took out a Ghoul, Glart was awesome as always, the Wizard allowed me to secure the turn 8 score, so I think my inducement plan worked wonders this time.


Tiny the Troll leveled - though not from doing anything useful, but from an MVP. He refused to roll a double again. Maybe he's cross with me cause I didn't give him Claw first. Well, I think I'm not going to give him Claw now, either, but rather Stand Firm. But still thinking about it.


Anyway, next up is 3rkons' Lizards. This one might be really tough, unless my Claws are on fire.

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BB2LeagueManager seems back up, so I finally had the opportunity to take a detailed look at our next opponent. 3rkons already mentioned in the scheduling thread that he got beat up by Zulu's Zons, and he wasn't lying:


- 2 Block/Guard Saurus MNG (one is niggled, but I doubt he will be replaced now)

- 2 Side Step Skins MNG (both with a stat bust, so might be fired)

- 8 healthy players + 3 Loner Skinks (unless he replaces a player before the match; he's got 160k cash)

- he's getting 20k inducements as it stands, but I might want to buy another Gobbo or two, so let's say 100k


I've got to say, I'm feeling a lot better about this now. It's still going to be tough, since 3 of the remaining Saurus can really hurt my poor Gobbos (two Block/Tackle/MB and one Block/Frenzy/MB). He's also got his Super Star Skink (+AG/Block/Spring/SF/SS). On the other hand, those 4 Saurus can't be everywhere, and there will be 6 juicy Skins to hunt!


So I think I have good chances of getting a tie. Tune in Monday, 18:30 UTC to find out if I'm right.

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  • 1 month later...

*Watching Borke vs JJape*


Oh, hey! Borke is finally getting some Casualti-

*Opponent LITERALLY Regenerates all of them*



At least the SPP still counts! :Bananas:

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13 hours ago, C2MC said:

*Watching Borke vs JJape*


Oh, hey! Borke is finally getting some Casualti-

*Opponent LITERALLY Regenerates all of them*



At least the SPP still counts! :Bananas:


Hahaha, yes! I wrote the following in Discord right after the match:




all my solid/good regular play was for naught, as none of the casualties I caused stuck, and my good scoring chance at the end of the first half failed on a 1 in 9. second half JJape procedes to remove almost half of my team, but then Bomber Dribblesnot comes through big time, taking down the ball carrier, then taking down the AG4 Ghoul

we ran away with the ball on T15, but a 1d without reroll was enough to get our AG4 Blitzer down again, and the scatter was quite a bit away from the scoring line; so on our T16 we had 3 players to work with, and all it took was a 4+ pickup, GFI, 3+ catch, 4+ dodge, 3+ dodge, 2+ dodge, GFI to score. which of course we did, without a team RR :D



Of course that's only a very abbreviated summary. It was a nailbiter, lots of fun, and showed exactly why I love playing Underworld.


@JJape was also a true gentleman throughout - I bet he had his own nail biting moments on each of those regen rolls (which would all have been career ending).


The best part of the match actually happened right after on the MVP roll. Hench-Gobbo #1, already a staple on the Underworld all-star team for the last two seasons with his Two Heads/Horns, got the MVP, leveled, and rolled a double for Wrestle, so he's now a one-man cage diving squad.

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Alright, we're already 2 matches into season 7, it's time to talk about this season a bit.


First of all, a very short summary of what happened so far this season.


First, we played against Stringer Bell's Orc squad, Taste The Feeling. It was a match of bullshit plays on both sides. Even though their Superorc (AG5 Blitzer) was outMNG for the match, Taste The Feeling still managed to tie the game with a long passing play (Accurate Thrower and AG4 Blitzer). My memory of the match is already a bit fuzzy, but I believe the Orcs then went ahead 2-1, and the Avengers tied only with a TTM play in the end. [Note: I've had 2 or 3 successful TTM plays lately, so I'm not 100% sure which matches they happened in]. End result: 2-2


Then came the match against JJape's Necro team, the Derrping Dead, which was already reported on above. A very close 2-1 win, which could have been a lot easier, had I made an 8 in 9 roll at the end of the first half.


Both of the first two matches have been plagued by the inability of my two ClawMB Blitzers to inflict lasting casualties. On the other hand, both matches have also shown that the Avengers' roster is quite strong at the moment. We have very good specialists both in the bashing and in the ball handling department, and we have redundancy to the point that losing one or two developed players early in a match doesn't kill the chances of a win. I'd still like to get more skills on the Troll (especially doubles for Block), and the Big Hand Gobbo could use Extra Arms, but those are first world problems. Overall, this is a great Underworld team, and it's time to take the foot off the breaks. So far, I've been prioritizing survival and team development over winning. Now we turn that around: Tier 2 is not a healthy environment to hang around in anyway, hoping for development. It's now or never, let's make a run for the top division!

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53 minutes ago, Borke said:

Alright, we're already 2 matches into season 7, it's time to talk about this season a bit.


First of all, a very short summary of what happened so far this season.


First, we played against Stringer Bell's Orc squad, Taste The Feeling. It was a match of bullshit plays on both sides. Even though their Superorc (AG5 Blitzer) was outMNG for the match, Taste The Feeling still managed to tie the game with a long passing play (Accurate Thrower and AG4 Blitzer). My memory of the match is already a bit fuzzy, but I believe the Orcs then went ahead 2-1, and the Avengers tied only with a TTM play in the end. [Note: I've had 2 or 3 successful TTM plays lately, so I'm not 100% sure which matches they happened in]. End result: 2-2


Then came the match against JJape's Necro team, the Derrping Dead, which was already reported on above. A very close 2-1 win, which could have been a lot easier, had I made an 8 in 9 roll at the end of the first half.


Both of the first two matches have been plagued by the inability of my two ClawMB Blitzers to inflict lasting casualties. On the other hand, both matches have also shown that the Avengers' roster is quite strong at the moment. We have very good specialists both in the bashing and in the ball handling department, and we have redundancy to the point that losing one or two developed players early in a match doesn't kill the chances of a win. I'd still like to get more skills on the Troll (especially doubles for Block), and the Big Hand Gobbo could use Extra Arms, but those are first world problems. Overall, this is a great Underworld team, and it's time to take the foot off the breaks. So far, I've been prioritizing survival and team development over winning. Now we turn that around: Tier 2 is not a healthy environment to hang around in anyway, hoping for development. It's now or never, let's make a run for the top division!

if anyone can take UW to the champs its you B!

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32 minutes ago, wismerhill said:

if anyone can take UW to the champs its you B!


Thank you, but I'm sure if Pidpad had set his mind to it, he would have beat me to it. However, he insists on playing boring humans. :P

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Match day 3 saw the Avengers up against @tubragg 's "Botkyrka fullmäktige", a Necro squad consisting only of Zombies. So, going into this match two things were clear:


  1. I was the clear favouritet for once, the pressure was certainly on me to win this
  2. There would be fouling


And if there had been any doubt about the second point, tubragg immediately dispelled it at the inducement phase: A "free bribe" stadium enhancement, plus two more bribes induced, and a wizard. Right, buckle in, this is going to be a rough ride!


We won the toss and opted to receive, with the idea that we might be able to draw out the Wizard early, plus the possibility of removing some of his key Zombies early (notably the superstar +AG/MB/Block/Tackle/Dauntless one, as well as the Dirty Players). The first part of the plan worked well, as tubragg finally pulled the Wizard's trigger around turn 4 or 5 - the situation I had left him was extremely tempting, I would have been surprised if he had let it pass at that point. The fireball knocked two out of three targets over, including the ball carrier, and the Zombies were in position to blitz the last marker on the ball and then pick up with the AG3 Zombie (though that Zombie would have had a hard time avoiding the counter-blitz). Alas, the pickup was fumbled, and in return we managed to push the Super-Zombie away, pick up the ball and make a run for it. At this point the turn 8 score was pretty much guaranteed. We had managed to land some KOs on Zombies, and several more were tied up where the ball had been up until a moment ago, which meant that tubragg didn't really have enough players to defend. What he did have, though, were players around my Troll Tiny, and so he used them to foul him to death - but the apo saved him. On tubragg's turn 8, the ref decided he wanted to see more of this and wound the clock back one turn. However, Zombies are not known for their speed (or agility), and tubragg decided to go for more punching and kicking, rather than getting one of his +MA Zombies into scoring range. Probably wise, as it would have been easy for me to negate one such scoring threat.


So, going into the second half we were 1-0 up, "Botkyrka fullmäktige" to receive. And that's when the rain set it. It's bad enough having AG2 all around in dry weather, but with rain, the Zombies would have a really tough time picking up that ball. And so we did what rats have done since time immemorial: We swarmed the back field (after the first pickup attempt had failed). The Zombie team was effectively cut in half: The skilled zombies on the LOS, including the one AG3 (cause he's got the Block/Tackle/MB package as well), and 4 mostly clueless Zombies at the back around the ball, one with Sure Hands. On the second attempt the Necros managed to pick up the ball, which meant that we had to abandon plan A (just steal the ball with the Big Hand Gobbo) and instead settle for plan B (corner the 4 Zombies at the back with many rats, then get Two Heads/Wrestle/Horns Gobbo in there to pop the ball lose). Unfortunately, this left tubragg with enough time for a final hail mary attempt (5+ pass, avoid interception, 5+ catch). Fortunately, this failed on the catch, and the scatter landed in the hands of a Gobbo, who promptly scampered off with the ball, out of reach. This meant that the match was effectively won. We scored, the ref would the clock back yet again, we scored once more (it was still raining), and then it was over.


Except we need to talk about one more thing: Damage.


This match had no business being as unbloody as it was. 42 blocks for the Zombies, 50 blocks for Underworld (and many of those were Claw/MB), 3 fouls from my end, and who knows how many from tubragg (not quite as many as there were turns for him, but close probably; and most with Dirty Player). And what did we get for all that trouble? 3 casualties (1 regened) and 5 KOs for me, 3 casualties (1 apo'd) and 3 KOs for tubragg. A dead rookie Gobbo is the only permanent damage, otherwise not even an MNG.


Tiny took all the hits and kicks like a champ.


And in the aftermatch, The Splash, our rookie Thrower, leveled. And I have another conundrum: he rolled 5+5. Claw Finger, our primary Thrower, is sitting at 50/51 SPP, with +MA/Extra Arm/Two Heads. He's taking Block next, of that I'm pretty sure. For the backup Thrower I had been thinking Block as first skill, since he needs to be exposed regularly, when he is on the field. However, with 5+5, suddenly he's got options. I don't think I want to go for the MB -> Block -> Claw route, which is an option for Throwers who roll a double, and I've done it in the past, but I currently have two very good Blitzers, and generally too many players that I want to field. So, I could build the backup exactly as the original and take +MA, looking at ball handling and mobility skills for further development. The idea would be that on offense I field both of them and have an amazing running game, while on defense I only field one who can move the ball, should I manage to pop it lose. Or I could perhaps look at Dodge, to be followed by Block -> Two Heads -> Extra Arm, and build a very resilient defensive Thrower, who doesn't faint at the thought of being exposed to a blitz.


What would you do?

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Since Claw Finger is more of a Runner, perhaps you could build the other to be an actual Thrower? I've seen people turn Throwers into sackers and retrievers, but your Linerats and Goblins fill those roles already.


Strong Arm and things of that nature, perhaps?

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27 minutes ago, C2MC said:

Since Claw Finger is more of a Runner, perhaps you could build the other to be an actual Thrower? I've seen people turn Throwers into sackers and retrievers, but your Linerats and Goblins fill those roles already.


Strong Arm and things of that nature, perhaps?


It's a possibility, but I don't like it as much. A passing play requires receivers, and what's more, requires receivers to be within scoring distance. I do have possible receivers, of course, any player with +AG or Extra Arms is a possible receiver. But I usually don't like to just run them into the opponent's half unprotected. I use rookie Gobbos for that, as decoys (and sometimes last minute actual threats), but I prefer to run pack tactics with my valuable players: Keep them in a formation where they can support each other, and use my mobility to shift this mass of players around the opposing team, preferably with the Troll. Which means that a Thrower with Strong Arm and eventually Accurate will be very vulnerable to opposing sackers while hanging back, or he needs to operate so closely to the rest of the pack that his skills are wasted.


And that's exactly what happened when I tried to go the Strong Arm route once before, with my BB1 Underworld team. I found that passing was never the best option.

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For match day 4, the Avengers played another early match, against @Wainaja's Last Chosen (Chaos). His team had taken a bit of a beating recently and came in at only 1570 TV, to our 1830 TV. Since it was a home game for the Avengers, we nevertheless induced Bomber Dribblesnot to the team. Wainaja took advantage of the cheaper star players as well and induced "Budget Lord Borak" (who turned out to be "Fake Lord Borak").


For the first kickoff, we won the toss and chose to receive, hoping to reduce the Chaos numbers a bit (since they only brought 12 players). However, the initial blocking was rather ineffective, Tiny refused to work again, and so an early advance on the right side was repelled by the Last Chosen. Their Block/Tackle/Prehensile Tail Warrior was very effective in denying space and restricting the movement of our less agile players, and considering they had five ST4 players available, plus Lord Borak's ST5, the brute force approach was certainly not working. So we opted for plan B, speed. Wainaja had moved three Warriors and several Goats to his left, Lord Borak and another Warrior were near the center, so we swung hard to the opposite side - stopping for a gratuitous block on Lord Borak, who was promptly removed with broken armor. The speed advantage allowed us to push deep on our left flank, without any real option for the Chaos players to get to the ball carrier. So Wainaja opted for simply moving several players closer, and taking blocks on his left, our right side. The intention here was clear - the first half was far from over, a score now would leave Last Chosen a decent chance to equalize. And if I didn't score now, next turn the Chaos players could crash in on large numbers, perhaps even basing the ball carrier with the nasty Prehensile Tail Warrior. I opted to take the safe score, running it in on my turn 5, because I liked my chances to stop the Chaos from scoring, especially now that (Fake) Lord Borak was gone. I furthermore opted to field Bomber Dribblesnot at this point. Wainaja questioned this decision in chat during the match, and it was certainly controversial, as I still had three players on the bench, and no bribes. My thinking was that I wanted to apply maximum pressure during the remaining turns of the first half. I had gambled that I would be able to prevent a score, I needed for this gamble to pay off.


What followed then was a classic lesson in Underworld tactics:


1) If you want to bully a Goblin, you better bring backup, cause he sure as hell will.


Wainaja was advancing on his right, but he also wanted to keep options open on the left flank, so he moved a Warrior there, basing one of my rookie Gobbos. He also took his blitz on that side with his ST4 Goat, and stood him next to the Warrior, so they would support each other. However, if I could blitz down the Goat, I would then be able to bring in three assists against the warrior, so the Gobbo could get a 2d on him. Furthermore, this would automatically cluster several players around the fallen ST4 Goat, a perfect opportunity for a juicy foul. And that's what happened, the blitz was a knockdown, so we executed the rest of the plan, and were rewarded by the animation of a Goblin knocking down a Chaos Warrior.


2) You use the tools you have, for the job that needs to be done.


So, we had a ST4 Goat on the ground, the last remaining player with MB on the Chaos team. We had to take the foul - but we didn't have our DP on the field, and most of the expendable players had already moved. But we still had Dribblesnot! I wanted to use the little fella to exert pressure in the final turns of the first half, but he was also waving a huge sign that said "expendable, I'll be gone soon anyway". So we ordered the Bomber to go in for the foul (4 assists, but also one counter-assist), and he was definitely motivated, cause he niggled the Goat!


This only left the minor task of preventing the Chaos touchdown in the remaining turns of the first half. Time for Hench-Gobbo #1, our new sacking specialist to step in. Always mindful of the Prehensile Tail Warrior, who might otherwise ruin our attempt, we found an opportunity to get a 1d block with Wrestle on his ball carrier - and succeeded! The ball was lose, but it wasn't safe, we had only delayed the Chaos advance. They managed to pick it up again and send one Goat forward into scoring range. We blitzed that Goat down, put three players it its way, and screened him from the rest of the team. So on the last turn it came down to a 1d blitz, 4+, 3+ dodges, two GFIs, and then a pass play. The sequence failed at the 4+ dodge, and our gamble had paid off!


We still had to survive the second half, though. The Bomber threat was gone, Last Chosen was receiving, so this could still turn into a close match, even though we were up in numbers 11 vs. 10. The first few turns were a lot of tactical movement. Wainaja was probing both flanks, keeping his ball carrier screened (but not caged), and usually supported by the Prehensile Tail Warrior, or Guard, or both. Slowly, however, play was tilting to one side, Wainaja's right flank, so we were able to push some players deeper on our right, trying to deny the Chaos room. This continued for a couple of turns, and while I was always looking for an opportunity to get a sack with the Wrestle/Horns/Two Heads Gobbo, Wainaja made that all but impossible - but then he neglected the threat posed by our Wrestle/Tackle Linerat, who had been pushing deep on our right. With two GFIs he was able to run around the screen and get a 1d on the ball carrier - which promptly spilled the ball again. It landed right in the middle of three or four Chaos players, so not exactly ideal, but we managed to get another 1d to push a Warrior onto the ball, who then bounced it further in our direction - to a place where the Big Hand Gobbo could get to it. And so he did, picked it up, dodged back out, handed the ball to Dr. Weevil, who ran out of range of any counter-blitz. Now we just needed to get that ball to safety, which was a bit difficult, as executing the sacking plan on the previous turn had left the team in a bit of disarray. So it was time for some flashy play: Free up a rookie Gobbo who was near the middle, dodge Dr. Weevil away from his marker, GFI for a 3+ pass, 3+ catch, and then GFI twice more in order to get the Gobbo completely out of range of any Chaos player. No, we did not need to use a team reroll for that sequence, because why would you?? The Gobbo scored on the next turn (we couldn't really get any support to him), which left 2 turns to play. The match was won, of course. But then we get a Blitz! on a deep kick, and we think: "Why thank you, Nuffle, you are our favourite evil overlord ever!". The path is blitzed free, we send down the Wrestle/Tackle Lineman, screening for the Two Heads/Extra Arms/+MA Thrower. If he doesn't pick up that ball, I've got a good chance of scoring again!


It's at this point that Nuffle decides enough is enough. The Blitz! was apparently only a ruse, instead Last Chosen pick up the ball with easy, blitz the Wrestle/Tackle Linerat and give him a Niggling Injury - not exactly ideal. The match ends with a few more blitzes, no further injuries, and the Warpstone Avengers win 2-0!


In the aftermath, Claw Finger, our +MA/Extra Arms/Two Heads Thrower, levels and rolls a normal skill. Block seems like a solid choice, but I'll consider the options for a bit longer (by the way, I gave the other Thrower Dodge in the end). We will also need to decide what to do with Globular Meltdown, the unfortunate Linerat that took the Niggle - I think that I need to fire him, he's not special enough to protect on the field, and with AV7 and a Niggle, he would just get removed way too easily.

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1 minute ago, C2MC said:

It's about time one of those Linerats took a serious Casualty.

Compared to the other Underworld teams, yours were in surprisingly pristine condition.


Now now, no need to get jealous!


It's the high quality Warpstone we feed them which keeps them healthy: any germs, viruses, fists, blades, claws, bounce right off!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, I haven't made an update in a while. The last two matches have been utterly disappointing, two 0-2 losses, I felt like a spectator the whole match.


There's one player I've been particularly disappointed with: Professor Pesticide. He's supposed to be the killer, and he only needs 4 more SPP to get his next level (and probably Piling On).


So I decided to have a close look, and here it is: The removal stats of Professor Pesticide this season.




Match 1: 2 (1 1d)
Match 2: 8 (1 reroll), 2 casualties
Match 3: 15
Match 4: 12, 2 casualties
Match 5: 8 (1 reroll)
Match 6: 12 (1 1d)




Overall: 4 casualties, 5 KOs


57 times block dice rolled, 55 actual blocks, 53 actual 2d blocks, 2 actual 1d blocks


2d blocks against players with Block: 55.6% chance of knockdown
2d blocks against players without Block: 75% chance of a knockdown
1d blocks against players with Block: 33.3% chance of a knockdown
1d blocks against players without Block: 50% chance of a knockdown


Assuming half of the players Professor Pesticide blocked had the Block skill, we get overall:


27 blocks with 55.6% chance: 15.0 expected knockdowns
26 blocks with 75% chance: 19.5 expected knockdowns
1 block with 33.3% chance: 0.3 expected knockdowns
1 block with 50% chance: 0.5 expected knockdowns
Total expected knockdowns: 35.3


Now, assuming the worst case, that none of the knockdowns was against a niggled player, they were all with Claw, so effectively against AV7, and with MB. This means that on each knockdown, the chance of a KO was 16.9%, and the chance of a casualty was 14.4%. So, with 35.3 overall knockdowns, the expected removals would have been:


Total expected KOs: 6
Total expected casualties: 5


Now, perhaps the number of expected knockdowns was a little higher, because I think that actually more than half of the blocks were against players without block. But it's not going to change the numbers by that much.


So overall I have to issue an apology to Professor Pesticide: He didn't do as bad as I thought. Only about 18% worse than average, and on this small sample size, that sort of variance is hardly surprising.


I didn't do the detailed breakdown for Dr. Weevil, but his stats are better: 41 blocks, 8 KOs, 3 casualties. The number of casualties is certainly below par, but the overall number of removals is over.


My overall takeaway from this: Complain less about dice, plan more for failure :)


And look forward to next match!

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It's funny how your sense of reality can just get crushed by actually looking at the performance on paper.

Honestly, even just watching your games made me feel like you were getting unlucky but as it turns out you just used all of the good results in the first few games!


I think it's the lack of those Borke-Powered Throw Team-Mate plays that's costing you games! You snatched quite a few unlikely draws and victories with those last Season. :Bananas:

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Those Throw Team-Mate plays may have looked great and professional in their execution, but I know them for the flukes that they were. Usually a TTM play from an undisturbed kickoff (so no Blitz! or Perfect Defense) has about a 10% chance of success for Underworld, at best. The fact that I made multiple in subsequent matches is pretty miraculous.


Anyway, onwards to the coming matches. We're 2/3 through the season, sitting at 3-1-2 and in 3rd place in the table. In order to keep that 3rd place, and a chance of promotion, I feel we need at least two wins out of the remaining three matches.


And these three matches are going to be rough. It's Khemri, Chaos Dwarf and Murder Chaos, in that order. None of that makes me happy, especially in a situation where I'm trying to win.


At least I'm catching @Mongloom and his OCC & ROLL Khemri at an opportune time. His ST4/Blodgestep Blitz-Ra is MNG, as is his Kick/Wrestle/Guard Skelington. Which leaves him with 11 players and 100k TV below me. I'm wondering if he's going to induce that sweet bribe (after all, he's got two Dirty Players), or invest in a bench for this match. Other key players on Mongloom's side are: 1) +AG/+MA/MB/PO/Tackle Blitz-Ra, 2) +ST/Block/Tackle/KOR/Leader Throw-Ra, 3) Block/Wrestle/Tackle/Strip Ball/Frenzy Throw-Ra and 4) Block/MB Tomb Guardian. If I can remove one or two of those four, I think I've got a good chance. #1 is niggled, and #4 has AV8 only, but it's still going to be a tall task. ST5+ players are a weakness for Underworld, so I doubt I can really get a good shot at that TG, and the killer Blitz-Ra is probably not going to be so kind as to pile on where I can surround him.


As for the Avengers, our star Thrower Claw Finger is now handicapped by his niggling injury. It was an interesting spot decision I had to make in the match against Sliceanddice: Do I give him -MA (cancelling out his +MA), or do I give him a niggle? I chose the niggle, arguing that what makes him special is really is range and mobility, and I don't plan on letting him get hit (often). Of course he will get hit eventually, and die or get career-ending injuries, but Throwers are fairly easy to level up, and I want Claw Finger to be a high threat while he remains on the team, and not a mediocre threat who remains on the team a little bit longer. Hench-Gobbo #1, the super cage buster, will be missing for this match and has also collected a permanent injury: -MA. I'm definitely going to keep him at least until Hench-Gobbo #3 levels (who currently has Wrestle only).


I've been looking forward to the match against fellow green suit Mongloom for a while, and I intend to enjoy it (I just hope my team can do the same :P ).

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17 minutes ago, Borke said:

Usually a TTM play from an undisturbed kickoff (so no Blitz! or Perfect Defense) has about a 10% chance of success for Underworld, at best. The fact that I made multiple in subsequent matches is pretty miraculous.


Exactly my point. :Bananas:


Looking forward to the Greensuit showdown!

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2 hours ago, Borke said:

At least I'm catching @Mongloom and his OCC & ROLL Khemri at an opportune time. His ST4/Blodgestep Blitz-Ra is MNG, as is his Kick/Wrestle/Guard Skelington. Which leaves him with 11 players and 100k TV below me. I'm wondering if he's going to induce that sweet bribe (after all, he's got two Dirty Players), or invest in a bench for this match. Other key players on Mongloom's side are: 1) +AG/+MA/MB/PO/Tackle Blitz-Ra, 2) +ST/Block/Tackle/KOR/Leader Throw-Ra, 3) Block/Wrestle/Tackle/Strip Ball/Frenzy Throw-Ra and 4) Block/MB Tomb Guardian. If I can remove one or two of those four, I think I've got a good chance. #1 is niggled, and #4 has AV8 only, but it's still going to be a tall task. ST5+ players are a weakness for Underworld, so I doubt I can really get a good shot at that TG, and the killer Blitz-Ra is probably not going to be so kind as to pile on where I can surround him.



I've been looking forward to the match against fellow green suit Mongloom for a while, and I intend to enjoy it (I just hope my team can do the same :P ).

My kicker is MNG as well!!! Just forgot it!!! Jimi Hendrix use to play one game and to get MNG... he does not like to play with


I hope we will have a good one, my last seasons are going really bad on the beginning and better in the end... Maybe today will be a good day for the dead stars and others!!! But it is sure that I will enjoy the game against the UW master!


Kill the khemri boys!!! Nobody likes them! (mmmm maybe I am nobody!!)

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